The Beginning

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Sometimes it's hard to let go. But you don't need to if you can't even remember what you have lost.

Vivi was always the 4.0 student that would go wild on the weekends. But since she's not in school anymore it's kind of a bad analogy... Well, it gets the point across. She was the sweetest girl to ever exist -- so kind and caring, always willing to help out. She was absolutely perfect in every way imaginable. Until, of course, I lost her... I never wanted to leave her! She's everything to me.
If only she could remember how much I loved her. How I'd hold her hand every chance I got, the times where we'd lie awake, staring at the ceiling doing nothing more than talking about whatever popped into our heads (it was either a conspiracy theory or some video game mumbo jumbo, there was no in between). Or the ways I'd hold her so tightly to my chest as she sobbed. I'd listen to her with no intention of leaving. There was nothing that could keep me from making her happy... Or so I thought.
It all started out as a normal "spooky place, gotta investigate!" type of situation. Vivi insisted that we go check out this weird spooky cave that she saw as we were making our way across the country. Of course if she wanted to check it out I wasn't going to object. She's my sweetheart after all, plus we had nothing planned for that night other than to sleep, so I had no intention on ruining her fun.
The four of us left the van in hopes of a good scare, or possibly just a little spook. Arthur grabbed a flashlight from the back and the gang was off. It was mostly a straight path, a little bump in the road here and there, but nothing too bad. The flashlight started to flicker on and off, signifying that the battery was low, and since we wouldn't have the opportunity to get batteries for a little while because we were in the middle of nowhere, and since there were two ominously lit wall-mounted torches up ahead, we decided to turn the flashlight off. Vivi and I grabbed the flaming sticks and continued on our way. It was a nice walk filled with a comfortable yet eery silence. That was until we hit a fork in the road.
We all stopped for a second and quickly decided that Arthur went with me to the left while Mystery and Vivi go off to the right path. The way Arthur and I went was interesting in itself, it was a giant cave with spiked rocks protruding from the ground. It was honestly fascinating. But then I heard Vivi's voice from below, "Mystery? Mystery, where are you, boy?" I turned back to help Vivi look for the lost dog but then I saw him, but only for a split second. The left side of his face was filled with worry and despair while the other, different colored half was full of hatred and rage. Then I felt the force of his unusually strong hand against my chest. And just like that I was falling.
It's true when they say that life flashes before your eyes. But all I saw was her. Vivi was the only part of my life I wanted to cherish forever. The memories of her made the pain through my chest even worse. It made the feeling of numbness ten times more vivid. I heard her scream. An ear-piercing shriek of my name that only sounded like a soft buzz as the world around me went black.
A second later I was awake again. But I felt... Different. Less weighed down and more free. There was a soft voice that asked me, "What do you wish to do? You're allowed to go back.. But only ad a ghost. Make your choice, Lewis. What do you want to spend this second chance on?". It didn't take much more than a second for me to answer it, "I..." I stuttered, it felt as through blood was gushing from my lips. And possibly other new holes as well... "i want to... See her. Please... I... Want to..." At this point I felt as though I was choking, "See Vivi... And tell her I'm sorry... And show that ungrateful... Punk what... Mistake he's made...". The voice merely hummed and the feeling of blood was gone. Everything was gone. But not her. I felt the heart that levitated next to where my heart used to be. I grabbed it and inspected it. Inside I saw the most cherished memory of mine. Being happy with Vivi.
With this new form I was able to move, to fly. It felt so liberating. But there was only one thing I could do now: Get revenge on my murderer. "But how do I grab their attention?" I asked to the darkness around me. If Vivis alright she'll probably be looking for me right? And since she believes in ghosts there's only one way to grab her attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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