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José's POV

I was still asleep when I was hit with splash of water. I figured it was Donald or Xandra since Panchito didn't really like to see me hurt. When I looked around, I saw only pitch black. I was confused. When I tried to get up, I couldn't. I was tied to chair. Typicial. I've seen enough movies to know the stereotypical types of kidnappings or ransoms. I sighed. "Tudo bem, quem está aí?" I said. I said it in Portuguese because it would be harder to understand it. Eventually, someone spoke up. "Geez, speak english." the shadow said. I looked over my shoulder then saw "FellDrake". "What do you want from me?" I asked in a bit of a firm tone from how I usually speak. FellDrake stayed silent. "It's really quite simple. I want you to join forces with me." My eyes widened as I heard those words fall out of his beak.  "What?? Why??". He responded with "...Can you use magic?" I stayed silent. I could use black magic but only very rarely. I shook my head as a 'no' response. My magic wasn't really considered black magic but still. It was worth a try. Then I felt the entire place shake. I let out a little yelp of surprise. "They're here." FellDrake said. I tilted my head in confusion but I then realized that my friends were here. "DON'T HURT THEM!" I yelled and before I knew it I was untied from the chair and was thrown to the wall. I let out a loud scream of pain before all I could see was a very light grey. And I blacked out.

Donald's POV.

We all heard a scream from inside the mansion. I looked at Panchito with wide eyes. "LET US IN, FELLDRAKE!" Xandra screamed. We were greeted with red eyes piercing through our souls. "Did you bring the ransom?" He asked in a dark voice. Like a demon of sorts. We all nodded our heads yes. The magic barrier went down and we all charged the mansion. We all split up trying to find which room José was being kept in.

Panchito's POV

I was starting to lose hope when I saw a bright light from under the floor. I touched the tile I was on then suddenly stairs leading down was revealed. I called for everyone and then we went into the floor staircase while April, May, and June distracted the guard. When we went down, we were greeted by a hooded FellDrake standing in front of a unconscious certain green parrot.

                    And all I can remember next shocked me and everyone else.

A/N 5: HEHEHEHE Cliffhanger! Who doesn't love a good cliffhanger? The internet but, THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT! So, yeah. In this AU José can use black magic. Not the magic in the song "Just A Little Black Magic" but full-on black magic. But he doesn't use it that much. If he ever does use it it is only to help the Caballeros.

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