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As one of the SC draws near along with another 4 SSC cities all over the world begin to surrender from fear. Although oda does not like this way of thinking, he will make it up to them when the new government takes affect. Suddenly while in the huge hangar of the SC a FC runs up to Oda.

"Sir, an unidentified ship much smaller than ours to the west! The crest and flag markings are also unknown." The droids reports.

"Very well. Get 101 fighters ready, I shall check it out." Oda says looking down watching droids march. 

"Sir!" The droid runs off and grabs his squad of pilots.

The droids walk up with the FC in front, the FC shakes its head in a "go signal" at Oda. Oda hops into the largest fighter and 100 droids soon follow. They head to the ship and stop before getting close.

"Please state intentions and Empire alignment" Oda exclaims.

They never responded so the droids opened fire and even though they fired the ship down, it seems a couple of pods landed. It was contractors and ones that looked strong at that. Oda called down a few SSC to land droids in different areas, the droids however never killed a single contractor. These people where as experienced as oda was, oda now couldn't stand the thought of letting them go. Oda also knew that they where likely grouped up somewhere. He landed his fighter on the outside of a war zone close by. Blasters where going off left and right but oda ignored it and took 10 droids. They headed into the forest looking for places to hide, maybe these contractors where laying low until the planet was oda's. Oda sensed something behind him and before he knew it all 10 droids where killed. Oda pulled out his blade and the electricity flowed through him. He thought now was a good time to try his new ability he had learned at the ruins, Fire infused with the lightning making him far stronger. Oda burned the entire side of the forest down with a single swing. There in the west direction he saw a young women and a few dead droids, oda quickly looked around to make sure she wasn't a trap. No she wasn't. This woman was the contractor which was unusual on his planet but another thing stuck out, she wasn't burned and she had..horns? A half-breed maybe? However even half-breeds don't have horns, well, not humanoid ones anyways. The sword was going crazy and this lady seemed very strong, Oda had never seen anyone with stand a blow from the calib-sword. 

"Who are you? Why are you on my battlefield?" Oda asked curiously.

"I'm a native to this area, you're making this planet a warzone. We have enough trouble with city to city disputes." the woman said angrily.

Oda charged at the woman with everything he had, before oda could even see it she clawed his stomach wide open. The star killer tried to close the wound but nothing was working.

"I see you have a calib-blade"the woman said looking down "that would make sense of how you got a hold of these droids. But why are you doing this?"

Oda spoke with all his might "I want a better place for, everyone so that they don't have to suffer as i did. It might take a few wars or battles but i will help everyone in need, one day." Oda passed out, blood coming from his mouth.

The lady picked oda up. He weighed what felt like 400 pounds but he didn't look that heavy at all. She finally got him in her arms and carried the injured man to the nearest SSC. Droids rushed out and FC droids thanked the woman for saving their master.

The lady decided it was time to go and suddenly she grew huge, maybe 50 miles long with red all over and wings. Huge talons and teeth, she flew straight back into space and left Ig-48. She roared in space and even tho she was miles and miles up it shook the planet, for a brief moment you could hear silence on the war driven planet. It sounded so familiar to Oda but he was in and out of consciousness. From what he could tell the fight was over but he could do nothing at the moment. He fell back and passed out. 

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