Part 3

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Sakura wearing his clothes was a sight Itachi didn't think his heart could handle. His oversized sweatshirt and shorts were incredibly sexy on her, and he felt nearly embarrassed that her long tanned legs were on display.

Her hair was still dripping wet when she emerged from his bathroom, cheeks flushed from the heat of the water.

She was shy as she shuffled back into the kitchen where he had already tidied their things. She played with the hem of his jumper, and chewed her bottom lip.

"Thank you," she told him. "Really, really."

"Mm," he replied, making his way over to her. He picked up the towel from her hand and put it on her head like it was the most normal thing ever. "Dry your hair properly. You might catch a cold."

She looked up at him in surprise. Itachi had never been this close with her before. He had never spoken to her more than necessary, nor had he shown any concern for her at all. But before she could over-think his actions, she had to smile to herself.

He really was kind – taking care of her because she was his little brother's friend. Not only had he found her in an uncompromising situation but he was being gentle with her after such a thing happened. It was touching. She hoped they could become good friends despite all of this.

"Um...about last night," she started.

"We must report it," he said as he towelled her hair for her.

"Report it?" she repeated, a little louder in shock. Report Toneri to the police? And say what? That he forced himself onto her? He was unsuccessful thanks to Itachi, so shouldn't she just - ?

She paused. Just what? Avoid him? That would be hard, considering they attended the same university.

"Yes." Itachi was quiet for a moment before adding, "Though, I doubt he will come near you again, Sakura-san."

Right. Itachi had pummelled him. Sakura had never seen Itachi fight before, nor had she seen him lose his cool like that.

Her hands reached up and she found herself clutching his forearms. Had Itachi not walked in when he did, she might've ended up with more than just ripped clothing.

"I...don't want to report it," she whispered.

He stopped drying her hair.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

"He might try to press charges against you. You broke his arm."

Itachi said, "He tried to rape you. I think beating him up will work in my favour."

Her mouth went dry. "I-I won't make excuses for him long as he never comes near me again, I think I will be okay. I just...want to go home."

"I can take you home."

She shook her head quickly,grip tightening. "No, I couldn't possibly ask for more. You've done enough, Itachi-san."

Itachi lowered his face so that he could look at her, lifting the towel so he could meet her eyes.

"This is the bare minimum, Sakura-san." Discarding the towel, he smoothed his hands over her semi-dry hair and cupped her jaw. "I won't let anyone hurt you. Not ever again."

Her eyes widened to saucers as she searched his face. "W-wha-?"

"Sakura-san," he said firmly, releasing her with a small smile. "I'll take you home."

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