Authors Note

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Hello readers,

I want to start off by thanking you for being here, it means the world to me that you are here frantically waiting to divulge into my story.

But first I wanted to leave a little message to leave you some information on upload days and some other things.

I will be uploading a new chapter every Tuesday and Friday, because I have a full time job I only have two days off so on those days off I will be writing as many chapters as my creative freedom will allow. I already have a few chapters ready for uploading and I can't wait to hear your opinion.

Also, if you could add this book to your library it will automatically notify you when I upload I will be uploading each chapter Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m GMT.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this story. Also while waiting for the newest chapter you can check out some of my other books such as One Day and The Mailbox Lovers.

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