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Hollister's POV

I walked into school with Luke holding my hand. Apparently, we were 'East High's Power Couple.' I laughed it off.

Luke was a guy that I loved with all my heart. He was sweet & considerate, we've been dating for a long time, yet he didn't know . about my past.

I should say who I am, right? Hollister Fuhrmann. People called me 'East High's It Girl' simply because I was liked by many. Don't take me wrong, I'm not cocky, I just like people pleaser.

Luke is one of the best soccer players in the state. He's so dedicated & loving. Many girls wanted him, but he was mine & I was glad of that.

"Hey babe, I've got to go to class, but I'll see you in a bit," Luke kissed my cheek & walked off.

I ran to my social studies class, I think today was the day we had to do a project, but know Mr. Roberts, he's going to pair us up.

I got to class & sat next to Danielle, my best friend. She's a great person & I'm so happy to call her my best friend.

"Hey holli, how's you & Luke?" She grins. She's the one who paired me up with him when I was heartbroken over someone not worth mentioning.

"Great, actually, he's planning a surprise for me this Saturday," I smile at the thought of him.

She laughs & the bell silences the class. Mr. Roberts begins to take role when he walks in.

"Blackburn, you're late," Mr. Roberts remarks.

"Yeah, yeah. Heard that plenty of times.." He waves off the teacher & takes a seat in the back of class glaring at me.

"This is a warning, Blackburn. Now, class, today we will be pairing up to work on a project worth half of your grade of this semester. You all will be assigned pairs and a certain project. I will give you an information packet & it's due at the end of the semester, being 2 months from now. And trust me, you will need every second of it," he explains," Now, the pairs:

Blackburn, Fuhrmann - Danielle, Jake - "

I swear my life fell apart in front of me. I turn to face him.

He walks over to my table & takes a seat next to me, he turns to face me with a smirk on his face," Missed me, sweetheart?"

I raise my hand & look at my teacher," MR. ROBERTS I WOULD LIKE A PARTNER CHANGE!"

I hear snickers.

"And I would like to sing on Broadway!"

"I would want a hooker right here, right now!"

"And I want a sex change!"

I feel the blood pumping to my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Hollister, but no, and that's final," He gives me a sad smile. He walks around and passed packets & Avalon kept glaring at me deep in thought..

"Okay, class, the project is about the future. It's about career choices & what you want to pursue, to be. So each if you were assigned a certain career. You will work as an intern in those places, you also will be spending a lot of time with your parter, so get used to them. At this time, you can open the packet up. Today you will meet up with your partner after school because you will start working tomorrow. Good luck, class. Don't forget to write the essay & a presentation when the the job is done!" He turns back to his desk.

I turn to face Avalon who is definitely didn't hear anything the teacher said.,"Avalonn! Hello! You here?" I snap my fingers in his face.

He comes back into reality," What do we have to do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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