Chapter 9: Haley

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Haley: I figured out what you wrote on the sweatshirt.

Jax: ??

Haley: Good luck wearing this when it's ninety degrees.

Jax: AC broke on ur bus?

Haley: No, but Lita likes to sit on top of it when she's managing her fantasy baseball team.

Haley: She says a cool ass makes for a cooler head and she makes better trades this way.

Jax: tell hr she can't have altuve

Haley: She gave you the finger. Who's Altuve?

Jax: ask her typing 2 hrd

Haley: You could always get a real phone.

Jax: blsphemy

Haley: Seriously. Save those million-dollar fingers for something worthwhile.

Haley: Like playing guitar. Or building LEGO.

Jax: no point

Jax: mace is 2 proud 2 let me hlp ;)

* * *


Good to hear you're enjoying the summer. You're only young once.

I've uploaded some comments in the attached files. The program needs a lot of work before we can submit it to Spark, but I know you can get it there.

Talk soon,


* * *

By Kansas City, we're falling into a routine.

Five shows in and not only can I hold a flip phone, I can work the soundboard. Not quite by myself because Jerry's still the master. But I'm getting better. I like the combination of digital and analog.

I sneak out a bit of time to work on my program. Mostly at night after the shows because it helps me transition to sleeping. I've built in ideas Jax has shared with me.

Though I'm not about to admit it because his ego would blow up.

Some nights I play with Jerry. His mind's not great, but he's amazing at chess, and I've learned he's the most patient teacher.

I've also learned Jax looks after him. He drops by the sound booth before every gig, usually with the excuse to check on something. But they end up talking and joking for a few minutes, sometimes half an hour. That much time might not seem like a lot, but I'm realizing that when you're headlining a production like this one? It's a lifetime.

This morning should feel like every other morning. The surroundings are the same. But since Toronto, I've been edgy.

I spend a lot of time thinking about Jax.

We all do because it's his tour.

I'm guessing the others don't sniff his hoodie and wear it to bed.

Miss placing a coffee order because they're picturing his body. Or that smirk.

It's reasonable that I'm a little distracted since finding out that the voice in the phone I'd assumed was his girlfriend is actually in third grade.

Sue me for being happy. I'm never touching Jax and he's never touching me.


I feel better about the times my gaze lingers on him, knowing there's not someone out there who's earned the right.

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