Everythings Perfect

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Another day finally over with at this weird ass school! I hate this place with all of my Irish heart. I'm just happy I get to go see Felix, that Swedish dumbass.. also known as my boyfriend. God I love that man, with my body and soul... he's my everything.
The minute I'm in his arms all the stress of this school and other things immediately goes away, just how we stayed up drinking and just being dumb teenagers last night made me smile. I never wanted this to end. I grabbed my things out of my locker with a smile, unaware of Mark who had been following me through the whole school. In the bathroom, class, my home, everywhere. It was horrifying all the stalking Mark was doing. The horrible and murderous thoughts he had about Jack. Wanting his head mounted above his bed, wanting to feel Jack's skin, tug his hair, torture him.
But Seán was completely unaware, happy and perky as he usually was. The ray of sunshine followed by the unknown darkness lurking everywhere he stood. The darkness.. the things it wanted to become of Felix. The things yet to come to the poor Swedish man.
I saw Felix and my heart fluttered, running into his arms as he twirled my body around. I giggled at this, cupping his cheeks and kissing him sweetly.
"Asshole" I cooed with a playful smirk.
"Cunt" he replied with the same smirk, looking each other in the eye before I kissed him once again.
"How was school for you then, clover?" He asks taking my hand. Starting to walk me to his car.
"Horrible, as usual. All the classes and the weird ass whores.. ugh" I groaned, Felix went to a different school. Lucky for him. I felt him kiss my hand, making me blush.
"I'm sorry hun, let's get you home. Speaking of home, do you have any homework?" He asks helping me into the car. I buckled myself in and relaxed. Kissing his cheek once he got in the drivers.
"Nope!" I cheer.

-Timeskip brought to you by Jelix-

I walked my boyfriend into his house. I had gotten a pretty creepy text message last night. It was from an unknown number, saying that Jack wasn't meant for me. It scared me and broke my heart a bit, though I told myself to ignore the weird text. I let Seán go get changed, sitting on the couch on his apartment. Turning on the TV. I heard Jack yell from his room, "Babe? Have you taken my boxers my accident or something? I swear I've lost so many recently!" He says, in that annoyed tone I knew so well. I chuckled, who would take boxers?
"No, babe! I may me weird but I'm not a underwear hoarder. I'm sure they'll turn up. They're probably lost, either that or the sneaky leprechauns of your home country love the smell of your crotch!"
I chuckle and shake my head, he's such an adorable little goofball.
"Now get down here and cuddle me!"
I yell, suddenly seeing Jack walk around the front of the couch with one of my hoodies on and some thigh highs. Making me smirk and pull him onto my lap.
"You trying to get yourself walking with a limp from how hard I'm gonna fuck you?~"I
I chuckle, kissing his neck gently.
"Not necessarily~ why?~" he teases me with seduction in his voice. Already grinding on my lap a bit, making me smirk and growl before I flip us over so he's pinned below me.
"Tonight's gonna be a lonnngg night for you, clover~" I growl deeply, I could stay with this little fucker for forever. Everything's perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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