Part 2

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              Part 2 -

            " " How could you do that ? ..we are together for almost six could you cheat ? "

     Geet looked at Pritam furiously ...she wants to beat him black and blue but still deep down in her heart she is hoping her boyfriend will say he didn't cheat , ...all just mistake ...he was not kissing that Neha but that witch was forcing him ...but no he was just stand there quietly ...surprisingly she didn't see any guilt or shame on his face even after seeing her ...

     ' Damn Geet you still hoping he didn't do that ' she crused herself quietly .

           " you said you liked me then how could you ? "

              " yes I liked you ...I liked you a lot but you are not like what I thought you would be "   he cut her words in irritation ... " You know I liked you , liked you a lot . When first time i saw you , I thought you are a beautiful cute girl with lot of adventure, fun but no i was so wrong . Your nature uff you are too traditional too annoying for my choice ."

            Geet looked at him shocked how bluntly he talking bad about her ...

              " how much could you talk ...thak thi nehi ho kya ?( won't you get tired of talking ?)  par mein thak jata tha ( but I got tired ) ...pritam yeh Pritam woh urgh ( Pritam this , Pritam that uurgh) no one can stop your non stop blabbing you know how much I tried to tolerate that." he made a annoying face as if remembering those days when she was talking continuously  and he was listening quietly ...there she thought he loves her talking ...

          "  ..not just it why do you have to know everything about me huh? you are my girlfriend not my guardian that I have to tell everything ... Pritam kaha ho ? Tum waha kyun gaye ? (Pritam whrre are you ? Why you go there ? ) Don't drinks ...Don't smoke ahh I'm just fed up "

                 " I was doing those because I was always worried for you ...those things I did because I cared for you, you  jerk " . she gave a punch on his chest ..." you are an idiot  . I did those because I thought you my own ..i thought I have right over you . You were my boyfriend " she felt like slapping some sense in him " how could you say this after six months of our relation ? " If only she knew his true nature.

                    " yes you are right I'm an idiot idiot who got trapped with a girl like you . What did you say how could I do this after almost six months ...then just tell me what you just gave me in these months ...hell you never comfortable kissing me forget about sleeping ... I'm not some monk "

            She fist her hand but controlled ..doesn't want to touch the boy who thinks like this .  "  Pinky was so right about you.. I should have never gotten in a relationship with you disgust me I'm better off without you ...its break up.." she wipe away her tears and was about to go but stop at his words ...

                 "  Excuse me you are not breaking up but I'm ...Pritam is dumping you ...and by the way who are you think of yourself ? should be thankful that I was with you this long man in his sense can tolerate you that much time.."

              saying he left leaving a much hurt and angry Geet behind ...his last words keep ringing in her ear '  no man in his sense can tolerate you ' this line somehow hurt her more than their break up .


           "    Here comes our class beauty Jai said dreamily in exchange get a slap from Sasha ..." Stop before Geet best you to death "

             Jai at once looked down as he knows Sasha is right ... he still remember her beating when he had proposed her with ice cream but it backfired as he gave strawberry flavour which caused her to go to hospital as she is allergies to strawberry...

              Geet sat quietly with Pinky giving dead looks to the couple who is sitting before them ...her ex jerk and Neha ...She was about to hit them with. a book but Pinky stop her at time ...

                   " What are you doing ? get a grip Geet . You said you got over him.."

            Geet took her hand back ... yes she told that but it's not that easy ...more of all he insulted her ...even after one month of their break up his words keep hunting her she that unbearable ? she can't easily let go of this ex jerk ...


               She was returning home from college not really watching where she walking as she was busy on her phone just then a truck was coming before her ...she was too shocked to move ...but just then someone pulled her harshly causing them to fall on ground ...

               she closed her eyes tightly ..." Geet Geet hey you OK your eyes hey " he was about to slap her again when she mumbled slowly ...

                  "  am i in heaven or hell ? I should be in heaven , i was a good child ..Mama i love you , im sorry i eaten all cookies that you made just sad that i couldnt eat ice cream before i died "  she start crying bitterly still not opening her eyes ...

             Maan smile looking at her amusingly...' This mad girl will never change'

               " hey get up you are in hell and now its time for your punishment..."

                   Instantly she opened her eyes " its cheating its can't be ... I was good.. "

                    She stop looking at the person irony of her  ... its ' Maan '  her punching bag,  her one and only bully guy...

                  " Hey you okay ? ..." her asked concerned as she stop talking..." Are you hurt somewhere  ?..."

                  she nodded her head saying yes  ...

                 " Where  ? " he start checking her head to toe but she point towards his elbow where blood is coming out ...

                   " oh it's nothing  ..." let's call a taxi for you ...he called one but she held his hand and dragged him with her ...


               " don't worry its just a small cut " nurse told  seeing her worried face ...she nodded little still not convinced ...Maan held her hand saying he is fine ..

                 " You shouldn't have done that stunt  " she finally said what was bothering her ...because of her carelessness he could have got hurt . " see you got hurt . What if something happened to you ? Why you saved ..."

              " I would rather hurt than let you get hurt ."

                 she looked surprised .. this is first time actually he talking to her . Every time she would bother him or say tease him but he never said anything ...all people are scared of him it can't be true that great Maan Singh Khurana is scared of Geet Hands or the other crazy rumour is true ...he has a crush on her.

Enjoy this part

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