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I sit down at a Starbucks table, Drink in one hand, Phone in the other.

I smile down at my phone as i see Matthew just posted a new vine.

I miss him so much.

I know what you're probably thinking right now. What do you mean you miss him?

Matt use to, wait scratch that. Matt IS STILL my bestfriend.

I'm very happy and proud of Matt. He's living his dream.

I still talk to Matt. Just not as often. We Skype atleast twice a month. We call eachother atleast 5 times a month. And we text atleast 15 times a month.

After Starbucks, At home in room

Right now I'm studying for exams. Bleh. But I wanna get into a good college so this hard work WILL pay off.


I look over at my phone to see Matt texted me.



Hiya hailey! Miss you babygirl! Wish you were here!

Maaaaattttttyyyy booooo I missssssyyyyyy youuuuuu!

Haileyyyyyyyy areeeee youuuuu okayyyyyy???????

Haha yesh Mattchu! I just miss you alot:( and I wish I were with you too!

Awe, don't be sad!

I'm trying boii. But yeah. Where's the next stop at?

Nuu joisey biieetchh!

That's so close to Virginia!


It depends... How much are VIP tickets?

$150 (A/N: Idek I thats the real VIP price but watevs. And yes, I DO know how to spell..)

I stop and go to see how much tickets are for a plane straight to New Jersey.

A plane ticket to New Jersey is $500. (A/N: once again, I'm guessing or watevs)

You don't have to get tickets for magcon. I'll just get you at the airport and you can sleep in my room with Carter. Than you can come to magcon WITH us.

But I still can't afford the plane ticket and my parents are somewhere in the world on a business trip for a MONTH.

Awe:( I'm sorry babygirl. Well, I gotta go. The boys are being bitches.

HAHA. Lmao mkay. Bye Matt :) Dont forget about me!

I'd never forgt about youuu! Love ya.

Love ya. Wish me luck on my exams!

With that, I plugged my phone to its charger. I played 'You don't know me by Ariana grande' on repeat and went back to studying before falling asleep on my textbooks.



So... Another new story.. Hope you guys like it!

I have so many ideas for FANFICTION. Mostly for Matt. Oops. I kinda changed from the Carter lane to the Matt lane.

Dont tell Carter but he kinda got a little boring... But I still love him with ALL MY HEART❤

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