When at last he arrived at the threshold of the cathedral, Stefan's legs felt like they had anvils tied to them; his heart barely pulsed in his chest. It took all of his strength to push the great door open, and even then, he had to limp into the vestibule. The touch of holy water scalded his fingers. As he made the Sign of the Cross, the infernal blazon of blood on the bed linen steamed and stank of death. He pressed his hand all over his neck, feeling for signs that he'd been bitten, but found nothing. The sheet alone held the evil. He sighed bitterly, and went in.
The church was somber and empty. Stefan lumbered under the weight of his burden up the aisle, wishing he could call out to the Holy Father, but not only was that unseemly, his voice was constricted in his throat.
Father Sebastian must have heard his heavy tread, for he was out of his 'tiring room and crossing the altar, staring at Stefan with owl's eyes.
"What have we here, my son?" he asked.
Reaching the altar, Stefan fell to his knees. "My wife, Analise... He's taken her."
Shaking with fury, he threw the steaming linen over the floor, revealing to the priest the lurid image of the dragon. Pointing at it, sputtering, Stefan could no longer contain his anger. "We must rid the earth of this filth----exorcise the ground on which Castle Drag still stands, and blast what's left of it to Hell."
Eyes fastened on the bloody dragon, the priest seemed to be at a loss for words. He drew closer, then backed away.
"My son, take this stain of wickedness out of my church. I will prepare your weapons. No time must be lost or your sweet, lovely wife will lose her soul to this demon. We defeated him before. We shall defeat him again. All it takes is for you to act."
Stefan grabbed the sheet and crumpled it up to hide the dragon. "Shall I
burn it?"
"Not yet. It may be useful. It might lead us to him."
"I see. Where shall I collect the weapons?"
"Go around to the Bishop's door. I will meet you there. After the weapons are consecrated, you shall take them to your destination. Meanwhile, our Brothers shall purge this village of the devil's influence. They shall cover the earth with holy wafers. I shall personally purify the House of cel Mare. Go now. We burn daylight."
"Thank you, Father."
Remembering that Vampires slept during the day, making them vulnerable to destruction, Stefan raced out of the cathedral. The sun was rising toward its zenith. He had no time to lose.
The Bishop's Palace was across the garden to the left. He saw Father Sebastian hurry down the cloister in the same direction, and slip in a side door. By the time Stefan got to the porch and knocked, an old monk was there to answer.
"Father says to leave that linen on consecrated ground," the old man said, holding his hands as if he wanted to take it from Stefan, but did not. His eyes were bright with excitement. "I'll tell you, I have attended exorcisms for decades, but never seen a Vampire, or the evidence of one. This is a rare opportunity."
Stefan bristled. "He's got my wife. He must be destroyed. Now!"
"Shhhh... I'm sorry young man. We shall get her back for you. Now come in. But leave that foul thing outside."
Stefan was not the only one planning to kill his rival. Dracule stood in the dead garden of the House of cel Mare looking up at the window where Ilia had waited for that miscreant. No lights danced there now. The windows were black as tomb stones. But he could smell men: the Baron and that other, the one he came for: Stefan Pelles.
Draculefelt his gorge rise at the thought of sinking his teeth into the vile maggot'sneck and shaking him like a wolf shakes a rat. To think that such a wretchwould even think he had a claim onLady Ilia! Dracule gnashed his teeth and could already feel the blood drippingdown his chin.
The Vampire's Bride Book II Gothic Mysteries of Dracule Revised
HorrorAfter many months of getting beta reads and advice from my group, I think I have achieved a final version of this book. It starts and ends much differently than the first draft I posted on here. It is the second book in a series so you might want to...