Ch.9 He's back and The End

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Sam's P.O.V

When Jazmine went the other way I thought she made it but then a Dicepticon blew a shot right behind her making her fly in the air and when she landed she wasn't breathing. I tried

To get to her but the army leader wouldn't let me. I watched as they did CPR and everything then they quit I enabled over her crying.

Sam: please come back Jazmine I love you. I always have and always will. Just please come back please. I need you

Jazz's P.O.V


I was standing on some kind of rock thing and seen primes.

Prime: We have been watching you for a long long time. You have fought for Octomus. Our last assembly. With courage and sacrifice. With stuff of a leader. A leader worthy of our assembly. The matrix of leadership is not found it is earned. Return now to Octomus learn the matrix with his spark . It is and always has been your destiny.

~ end dream~

Light over whelmed me and I breathed again Sam was over me crying

Sam: I love you

Jazz: I love you to

He kissed me then pulled away. I grabbed the matrix ran to Octomus and stabbed it into his chest. He started waking up and I got off him.

Octomus: girl you returned for me

Auto-bot now: a living prime I don't believe it.

Octomus looked at him. Then a Dicepticon came down and knocked Octomus down.

Dicepticon: my matrix

It go off Octomus and flew to the pyramid

Jazz: get up get up get up

The auto-bot now gave sacrificed himself for Octomus. Octomus was all new and had a lot of new stuff.

Octomus: let's roll

He flew and hit the Dicepticon and fought. Them then he finally defeated one then the rest flew away. Sam hugged his mom and dad. Then turned to me and kissed me. We had to get on the ship. All the auto-bots and army and Sam parents were all watching me and Sam.then Sam go on one knee

Sam: will you Jazmine Zidia Davis Marry me?

I looked at Sam shocked and started crying.

Jazz: yes

He put the ring on my finger. He picked me up and kissed me. Everyone clapped.

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