Page 3. Frozen

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I don't wanna see lovers cross my side,

Nor I dont wanna see them

I dont wanna see them walk, 

I dont wanna see them laugh,

I just cannot watch them.

Their smiles cut my heart apart,

And their laughs took my soul away,

Their hugs make me sick.

And their kisses make me suffer to death.

I wonder why there is true love

And I wonder why it exist

To make someone happy with the one they love

But making another one suffering

Heartbreak is too painful

Too painful that it can turn a heart into an ice

And when that heart become an ice

It will be too hard for a person to move on

I dont want to believe that true love really comes

And I dont want to ake a single step out of this

But i still believe that someday maybe

God will give me a certain someone...

Someone that can melt this frozen heart of mine

And can make me love again. 

( For those who are currently broken, but still believe in love.)

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