Chapter 2

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Too much sunlight..... name is....Rishima

    As I awoke I find myself in a bed with the lady. I was startled by her but she looks to be sleep. She had a book on her face. Was she reading earlier? I then thought how it isn't my right to judge. Then I think why am I still tired. I don't remember anything. Well I do remember being chased, I remember a lot of things. Why do I not remember why I'm so tired?

  I then realize I just slept a bit for it is midday. I look annoyed at myself for being a idiot. "Well good afternoon Rishima!" The lady said as I was startled from her surprising wake up. As I fixed myself up I giggle and smiled as I remember that's the name I chose. "I'm Leah" she said as I smiled happily. "I am glad miss Leah!" I said smiling widely.

   She pets my head. My ears twitch lightly as the sensation sets in my head I start to enjoy it. I want more. It feels like love. I like this love but my first parents said be careful of love. That is one of the few things I know from them. "Love?" I mumbled as Leah looks at me curiously. "What is love?" She asks me. "N-no I was just talking." I said as I motion my head to pet me more. I only got a few more before Leah got up.

  "Come on Rishi!"she said to me as I get down and follow her. As we come out of the room everyone smiles as they see me walk behind Leah. I then notice this. I smile as I enjoyed the glory. I then try to dance a little. Everyone giggled and laughed as I saw the mysterious ninetails. She smiles at me. I can tell it was a sad smile.

....Why do I feel connected to her?

I smiled back at her. As I continue to dances until I couldn't do it anymore. My paws grow sore once more. Their paws was just as tired as mine. "Lets *huff* take a-*huff* break" Isori said as he was out of breath. I nodded in agreement. "Lets lay on the floor!" Mossy said as everyone looks at her in a confused way. "Really mossy?" Gardi said as she nods and lays down.

Me being curious I follow her. I will admit it is pretty good feeling. I felt the coolness of the floor. It was mostly smooth with one or two dents in the floor. I then played around with the dents in the floor then stop. As I look at my paws I notice that they are bandaged up. "How did you all-?" "We did it when you passed out earlier" Gardi said as Ninela nods.

"Strange though" Gardi said as I looked at him confused. "What's so strange?" I asked him. "Well somehow you was able to see that faint star. No one should be able to see that star" he said as I thought about my name. "Rishima" I spoke. "That's a name we thought, but didn't think you would choose" Ninela said. "What does it mean" I asked looking like a cat looking at a jar of catnip. "It means moon beam. We choose it because we heard and your patterns are like the moon."  She says as she walks to the other room.

I like it!.....

As time flew by we was all laying down on the hard wood floor. It was nice and warmth from the fireplace. We all smile happily as we rest there. I was sighing warmly. "I love this! All of this. all of you. I want to be like this." I said as I wanted to hug them but I refused the urge. "Rishima we are your new family" Mossy said as I start having flashbacks from my past.

"Hehe don't worry mom I will go to bed!" Past me said as my mother who is a Jolteon and my Father a Vaporeon. I was looking out of my window. I smile as I saw the moon. Through this time it told me to run. I got up and ran. I hear screams behind me as I kept running and running. "MOMMA! DADDY!" younger me cried as she ran.

"Eevee....come here" my previous owner said to me. I follow him as all of my previous team mates looked at me in sadness. I looked confused. I see a beautiful there was berries, nice secluded area, it was beautiful. He then shows me my poke-ball and press the button. I thought I was gonna go in the ball but no I didn't. He then brings out my old friend Abra. "Sorry but master says your too weak, I hope to see you again old friend" the Abra said as she makes me fall asleep. As the nighttime fell the moon shown on me. I looked up at it. Stay then leave. Says the moon to me.

The moon was my only family......

I look at her and start to tear up. "Thank you" I said as I hug her tightly as she hugs back. "You OK?" She asks me worried about me. I sniffled a bit as I hug her more and more. Why did mom say be careful of love? I have family love, a trainer love, a friend love, does she mean a lover's love?

Moon.....I found a physical family but...... Will I know love?

I start to let go of her as mossy got up and stretch. I followed her lead. I then was about to ask her why do she look the same like everyone else, or at least similar to each other. "well It's because we was destined to be special, so no worries you are already fitting in just fine." she said as I looked outside. I realize I was far,far deep in this forest. "you want to head out?" Mossy asked me and I nodded.

Calm trees......

Pretty flowers in the grass.......


Another half shiny eevee like Me?.....


To be continued in the next chapter

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