chap 1

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*Alex's pov*

“What the hell was that?!” I looked at her grossly when she tried baking a cake, im in the nearest tapestry in school…

“Why are you here?! you boycotted your class again… Huh, Alex?”

“you bet, going to school is boring I can’t even learn there!”

“why’d you said that? School is great can’t you see?”

“the students only wanted attraction… they only focus on their stupid popularity… how can I learn there In every day of my life nothing’s change?”

“haha… let them be Alex, focus on your studies and stop cutting classes now go back there and learn something your mom won’t be happy seeing you here in this kind of time now go!” she pushed me going out of her shop and I started to walk going back in my school…

Im Alexandra, 15 years of age… my life is boring, no use, no adventures or sort of hanging out with some sort of friends, I only got my classmate Amy and my black-mailed schoolmate Fred… im not that bad but my life is totally boring!

Why can’t they see it nor feel it?!

Well… im living with my mom… that’s all!

Only child… but I didn’t wish for it… but rather I wish I had a sister or brother…

I went back to my room and saw Amy

“where’ve you been? I’ve been looking for you for almost a daytime here…”

“yeah I know…”

“have you heard the news?” she started

“what news?” I asked her while looking at the window beside me

“from the baseball players, they’ve won! Can’t you believe it when another player joined their team they won!” she excitedly told me


“so… what?”

“tsk! as if I care listening in that news…” she rolled her eyes and continue jotting down notes…

While staring at the window I watched the baseball players happy being surrounded by their fans…

“that’s the new student here, she came from a popular village far from here can’t you believe it she’d came her for a reason I heard it from the other students by the hall way when I was searching for you” what a long explanation

“yeah Amy…” I replied sarcastically

“I know not interested” we were in the middle of a not really interesting conversation when someone jumped in

“hi… Alex I got your project done”

“thanks Fred” I thanked him then he ran away

Afraid? Maybe

“can you stop black-mailing him…”

“I just caught him doing unnecessary things, why not use it? Haha”

“your so mean… why don’t you just let it go, poor guy…”

“you know how my life is boring”

“let’s hangout again together and let him go”

“fine, fine… what are we going to do?”

“shopping… dresses, shoes, bags and more duh!” she exclaimed

“okay then when?”

“weekends, Saturday maybe… 5 in the afternoon”


“then let him be okay look at him he doesnt have his freedom”

When She were saying those words as if she likes him… we’ll they look good together… I don’t care I nodded at her then I continue watching the players below… they act as if they were like a saint in the outside but in the inside they hate the people who always disturb them but they love it that they were always admired… tsk! Just like the new kid here…

After the class, I head going to the cafeteria and have my lunch alone…

see can you feel my story it’s terribly boring no life it’s so colourless…

I carried my tray going to the single table when those players bumped me

“hey!” I blurted at him

“im sorry miss” he’s not even sincere! He did it on purpose!

“you did this on purpose!”

“it was an accident miss im sorry didn’t you get it?”

“TSK!” I glared at him and he did the same we were like throwing daggers at each other when someone interrupted us.

“hey stop it the both of you…” she calmly said, she turned to me and smiled

“im sorry for what my teammate had done to you and here…” she hand me here clothes and pat my shoulders

“but captain what are you going to wear?”

“don’t worry I still got an extra clothes on my locker… next time be careful”

“im sorry” he apologised to her

“don’t apologise to me… apologise to her” she turn to me again then the guy bowed his head

“im sorry” now he’s sincere…TSK! Guys…

“it’s okay…” then I started to walk away, I changed my clothes and went to my next class

“cool who gave you that shirt?” Amy said while I walk towards her


“how did you get that?!”

“the player bumped on me when I was walking in the cafeteria so the captain apologised to me so do the guy”



“cool… the captain gave her shirt to you? She’s the new student here lucky you”

“oh” I said in realization I just thought I dint saw her clearly when I was looking at the window, I didn’t noticed it was her.

“that’s why many students by the hallway talked about it…”

“and by the way…”

“what?” I looked at her, she sat beside me and place a little notebook on my table…

“what’s that?”


“I’ll write on this?”

“duh of course!” tsk…

“when did you bought this?” I said while scanning her autograph notebook

“yesterday… isn’t it cool my first on the list is Fred”

“so, happy about it?” I said after I scoff on what she said

“who is this Antony?”

“oh that… my friend borrowed this… she said that’s the another player on the softball, he’s the bully one…oh maybe he’s the one who bumped you…” she said out of nowhere

“oh really…” I said as I continue browsing her autograph…

“who is this Samantha?” she was about to answer when the bell rang she got her autograph and bid goodbye… what a friend!

 who Is Samantha?

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