The Party

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(y/n) P.O.V.

I woke up sore as fuck with a terrible hangover. I tried to remember what happened last night.

I was sitting on a couch watching some movies and drinking. Then I got a text from my best friend. It said 'Come over to my place, my parents aren't home, I'm having a huge party'. So of course I went to the party. I couldn't refuse the invite to a party my best friend was throwing. She always had the best parties. Maybe I would even find someone special there. I was alone for so long I almost forgot what love felt like. I haven't had a boyfriend for years and maybe I would meet someone at this party. After all what's a party without a little 'fun' if you know what I mean. 😉

So I got off my lazy ass and went over to (bff/n)'s house. Her house was huge because her parents were rich. They were like trillionaire rich. Unlike me who lost both of my parents when I was 13 then lived my life without anyone in a tiny little room that I found in an abandoned apartment (yeah thats how fucked up my life is). At least I got electricity. That's all I need.

I knocked on the door to (bff/n)'s house and (bff/n) opened the door. There were a bunch of people already there.

"You're late," (bff/n) said, "The party started half an hour ago."

"Sorry. I was a little drunk and I had to finish my movie."

"Yeah right. And you need to stop getting drunk. It's bad for your health. You might die."

"When have I ever cared about my health?" I asked with a slight smirk. (bff/n) just looked at me and shook her head. "Oh, one more question," I said.


"Any hot guys tonight?"

"I don't know maybe. I didn't really check. But if you find one don't have sex in my parents bed, okay?"

I just smirked and said, "No promises," and with that I went into the house. The party was so fucking loud I thought my eardrums would burst. Loud music, people talking/screaming, and hot guys everywhere. I saw a few people making out and secretly wished it could be me. I decided to go over to the punch table to get a drink and make small talk to one of those super hot guys. I got over there and took a cup. I took one sip and immediately regretted it. That stupid punch tasted like shit. I spit it out on the floor and someone came up behind me. The person tapped my shoulder and I turned around and accidently punched him in the nose. Then he collapsed on the floor.

"OH MY GOD!!! I AM SO SO SORRY!!!!!" I say holding my hand out to help him up, "Are you okay?" I asked horrified.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why'd you 'punch' me? Haha 'punch'. You get it?" The guy said. He was really hot with coffee brown hair and icy blue eyes. He took my hand and stood up.

"Haha I get it. Sorry for punching you it was just instinct."

"It's okay. I get it. Sooo, what's a pretty girl like you doing in a party like this?"

"Are you kidding me? I love parties!"


"Yeah. And (bff/n) is my best friend."

"Oh. Sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Nick."

"Cool my name is (y/n)."

"Beautiful name. You wanna go dance?"

"Sure." Nick took my hand and took me to the dance floor. We danced for a while listening to the music and then there was a slow dance at the end. We stood so close together with my arms around his neck and his around my waist. I could hear his heartbeat and it sounded like it just ran a marathon. I bet my heart sounded that way too. At the end of the song Nick took me outside.

"Beautiful night isn't it?" He asked, his eyes twinkling in the moonlight.

"Yeah. It is."

"I was wondering if you would maybe like to ummm" His face turned a bright shade of pink that I could see very well in the moonlight. I was wondering what he was about to say to me and my heart was running in circles.

"If you would like to sleep with me at my place and maybe..." he gestured with his hands his pointer finger going through the ok sign. 👉👌 I blushed I haven't had sex with anyone since my last boyfriend. Sadly he died and I've never had a boyfriend since. I loved the day when my boyfriend first took my to his house. Things went quickly from there. That was a good time. I was 16, I still had my parents, (who obviously didn't know about what me and my boyfriend did when no one was looking), and I had an amazing boyfriend who cared about me more than the universe. If only I would've known what he was doing. He was a drug addict and he overdosed and died. Then things kept going downhill from there. After that I shut myself out from everything and every one except for my best friend and my parents. Then my dad started beating my mom and one night he got so drunk that he shot her. Then after that I decided I couldn't live with a crazy father and I ran away by myself without anyone. Some nights I would sleep over at (bff/n)'s house when her parents weren't home and then I finally found the home that I'm living in now. A one room apartment from an abandoned apartment building (as I said before my life is very fucked up).

"Hey are you okay?" It was Nick. I realized that while I was having that flashback I started to cry. I wiped away my tears and said that I was fine. I looked at the time. It was almost midnight.

   "Holy shit!" I said, "I have to go. Sorry, talk to you later." And before he could say anything I  was gone. Good thing I slipped my phone number into his pocket before I left. I just found my new boyfriend I thought to myself while I was running down the road hoping that I didn't get to work late.

I hope you like the story so far. Tell me what you think and keep reading because it will get much better as you go on.

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