O n e

19 0 0

( Hoodies P.O.V )

I woke up to a masked man with messy black hair that was looking down at me, my first friend.


Masky waved at me, I noticed I was bloody, there was blood on my hoodie and I was holding a bloody crowbar, I was propped up against an alley way wall, there was ( Also ) a tight bandage around my arm.

" You alright? "  Masky said with concern with in his voice, it [Masky's voice] would be muffled if it was one of those cheap ass masks but slendy put some magical shit on it so it would be clearer when he spoke.

" I'm fine. " I responded with no emotion, I then got up, " What even happened? " I asked highly confused.

" Well, for starters.. You had an episode.. " Masky responded

I knew exactly what he meant by episode, I went crazy and hurt the victim more then I should of, I was probably  violent, I guess I probably got hurt in the process.

" And..? " I responded. 

" You were highly violent, more violent then the other times, you were mumbling stuff backwards..."

Masky continued.

" You eventually ended up hurt, you stabbed yourself in the arm.. I bandaged it. "

" You kept trying to stab the victim when she was already dead, I had to hold you back, you then passed out, then that leads to here. " Masky sighed.

" Oh. "  I was still kind of confused.

Alright, this is the end of the chapter! I'll continue this tomorrow, sorry if its short, i'm feeling lazy, Bye!

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