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alex_scott invited jackdgrazer, finnwolfhardofficial, and 10 others to talk to me y'all, I need friends too

alex_scott: hey, you probably won't respond to this cuz y'all have busy lives but...

alex_scott: WHEN I SAY YEE! YOU SAY HAW! 🤠

alex_scott: YEE!

noahschnapp: HAW!

alex_scott: YEE!

finnwolfhardofficial: HAW!

alex_scott: YEE!

jaedenwesley: HAW!

alex_scott: YEE!

milliebobbybrown: who is this ?

therealcalebmclaughlin: c'mon mills u ruined it

jackdgrazer: yah

Jeremyraytaylor: but like rly, r u a fan?

alex_scott: sorta ig?

alex_scott: I'm just surprised y'all replied..

chosenjacobs: hey we need friends to :')

wyattoleff: too*

chosenjacobs: fite me

wyattoleff: fight*

sophialillis: hey calm down broskis

wyattoleff: broskies*

sophialillis: stfu

gatenm123: hi I'm Gaten, nice to meet you Alex 👋

finnwolfhardofficial: im confused...

alex_scott: hi confused im dad

alex_scott: I mean I'm Alex

sadiesink: hey Alex were u from

wyattoleff: wear*

wyattoleff: oh fuck i mean-

jackdgrazer: WHERE******

alex_scott: uhh... I'm from Nevada

milliebobbybrown: ooh! Which part?

alex_scott: las vegas yk it girrrl 💸

sophialillis: cool! Im not allowed to go there :')

alex_scott: aww I have a spare bed if u wanna run away 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

jeremyraytaylor: gOtTa bLaSt

jackdgrazer: I call shotgun on the spare bed

finnwolfhardofficial: WHAT?! Y U WANNA RUN AWAY? UR MOM IS SO COOL

wyattoleff: yeah you would know ;)))

finnwolfhardofficial: stfu wy u fucking jew

wyattoleff: I'm not jewish!

jaedenwesley: u wish u weren't Jewish 😂

gatenm123: y'all are bullies

noahschnapp: Tell em' G

gatenm123: why can't we all just have an appropriate and emotional conversation with one another? Alex made this group chat for support, we should all be supporting each other as well, not turning on each other.

sophialillis: wow

therealcalebmclaughlin: ha u said turning on each other 😂

jackdgrazer: lmao "turning on" 😂

noahschnapp: 💀💀💀

chosenjacobs: don't worry Noah and gaten, we'll get thru this hell hole

alex_scott: nah, none of y'all gonna make it out alive

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