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"Mum! oh god, it's not what it looks like!" Harry defended as soon as he saw his mum standing by the door looking extremely angry

"It's not what it looks like?, IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE? cause it sure looks that you are reading some kind of- ..of inappropriate magazine or something" She yelled and snatched the magazine out of his grip. As soon as her eyes scanned the page, disgust flew threw her entire face and her eyes widened

"Oh god Harold! please tell me you weren't just reading gay porn!" as soon as the words came out of her mouth, Harry flinched slightly. He hated being called Harold! he just hated it!

"First of, It's not mine! and second of all, mum, god damn. I am 16! You need to understand that I have fucking grown up and I am not the fucking sweet boy you used to know" Anne looked at Harry in disbelief. She was about to cry from his cruel words towards her, when an idea popped in her mind. Ever since Harry had changed from the sweet little boy he was, to the cruel teenage douche he curently was, Anne had tried everything in her powers to get her Harry back. She never achieved that.. BUT, what if she hires him a baby-sitter? If he has someone who is always taking care of him he will most likely stop reading things like that and she will make sure that she will hire a boy in his age, so he can also make a friend! -He has only one friend named Zayn- .

Anne smiled at her self 'cause, who knows? maybe this time Harry will actually change!

"Harry you are getting a baby-sitter" She said and closed the door behind her, before Harry could take the chance to yell at her. She took her phone out and typed in the number she wanted

"Jay? oh, hey sweety! how are you? um, I was wondering, is your son still looking for a job?"

"She what?" Zayn half yelled in sock "but you...You are not a baby! what the fuck!?" he added

"Do you think I don't fucking know!?"

"Well, she is a bitch" Zayn said and pushed his locker closed. Yes, you could say, Zayn was quite a bad influence on Harry... Actually, the time Harry became best friends with Zayn, was the time he 'changed'. But it wasn't only Zayn's fault. It was also because that moment, his father died and they became rich.

"I fucking know-" Harry cut himself before he could finish when he felt a certain blue eyed boy walking in front of him. His heart stopped and when he disappeared into the crowd of students, he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding .

"Wasn't that your boyfriend Lewis?" Zayn teased and made Harry turn red

"It's LOUIS! ...and he is not my boyfriend..." Harry mumbled the last words

"He could be?" Harry punched Zayn in the arm

"There's no fucking way, Zayn. You know tgat he will never even notice me... And if he does, he is straight for fuck's sake!" Harry knew that Louis would never notice him... He was the most popular guy in school, a hot senior and straight while Harry was just a snob rich kid with one friend.

"yeah...cause straight guys wear pants with suspenders"

"Cause straight guys spend so much time over fixing their hair" Harry said and smirked at Zayn who rolled his eyes

"I fix it for only one hour!" Zayn defended with a fake pout which caused Harry to chuckle.

"Come on, Let's get to class" Harry said with a wave of his hand and Zayn followed him

Harry opened the front door and got in the house. He threw his school bag in the couch and sat next to it. He signed. He was so sick and tiered of this. His life. Having to live with...himself. He knew that what he used to say was right. Every single thing he said. everything! From him being a worthless fag, to him being a dead weigh, useless kid that did no good and had to committee suicide. he was right. Alfer was right...

In his thoughts, Harry hadn't realised that tears had started streaming down his face. He whipped all of them immediately when he heard voices coming from the kitchen. He would never let anyone see him cry. Not even his own mother. He just hated looking weak in front of others... He didn't want the things that happened in his past to happen again. He didn't want to feel so weak and helpless again.

He froze as soon as he realised that Anne wasn't alone. oh fuck! the baby-sitter! I had totally forgotten about that!

Harry took a deep breath and turned his head towards them. He could have sworn that his heart just stopped for a minute. Louis. Louis fucking Tomlinson was standing right next to his mum!! w.h.a.t.t.h.e.f.u.c.k.?.

Louis started approaching him and his heart started pounding so hard in his chest that he thought it was going to bust out. Louis stopped right in front of him and gave him a smile while looking at him in the eye. Harry was blushing furiously and he stayed there frozen. He forced a smile back and Louis raised his hand.

"Louis, Louis Tomlinson" He said and continued looking Harry in the eye. Harry stayed frozen. He couldn't shake his hand because he was sure that as soon as he would touch it, he would turn even more red and his hands were trembling like crazy and Louis would think he was some kind of freak or something.

"Harry" Harry said and cleared his throat 'cause his voice came out a bit hoarse. Louis took his hand back and looked a bit hurt. Fuck. Harry didn't mean to do that! IT'S JUST THAT HE HAS SUCH A HUGE CRUSH ON HIM! IDIOT.IDIOT.IDIOT. Harry kept repeating to himself

"Nice to meet you Harry" Louis said sounding obviously not as excited as before and Harry was mentally slapping himself.

"yeah.." Harry said a bit miserable. Why is Louis even here..? He couldn't breath

"Harry! Don't be rude with your new baby-sitter!" Anne said looking very severe and Harry didn't answer. No, he was too busy trying to catch his breath

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My baby-sitter~ Larry Stylinson~ (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now