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                                                    A diary of Jessica Mitchell February 1912-April 1912

                                                                      Thursday  February 21st  1912

     I've had this diary since Christmas now and Sister Catherine said I should start it because of the upcoming events that I will now tell you about. This morning at breakfast I was called to Mother Ann's office. All the other orphans looked at me as if I was in trouble. We only get sent to Mother Ann's office if we have been bad or she has found a guardian for us. The second option was very unlikely. When I entered her office Sister Catherine was there too. I hoped she was not in trouble because except from my dear brother Thomas she is the only person I think  I love.  When I first came to the orphanage I was in great grief. She calmed me and showed me her library where I read and soon forgot the great cloud of grief that hung over me. "Jessica I believe you are a very good friend to Sister Catherine." I nodded , " There has been plans to build a big voyage ship by Mr Brunnel to go to New York in America. Sister Catherine is going to board the Titanic as it will be called and wishes to take you as a companion." Mother Ann went on, " Do you except her offer?" I was amazed I was going to board a ship to America and with one of my favorite people. " Yes." I said in shock, " I will."  "Do not tell anyone else or  I will end  up taking 150 little orphan girls on a ship to America and I am not in the financial state to do so. Now Jessica go and finish your breakfast." So that was the only interesting and worthwhile thing to write about unless you find darning ,sewing and maths interesting.

                                                       Saturday 23d of February 1912  

     Polly a girl from my dormitory fell ill of purple fever. She is a weak seven year old girl and has always been the runt. Mother Ann is worried that the fever will spread so none of us are allowed to visit or see her not even her close sister Maria. Sister Catherine and I have been discussing our voyage on this grand boat. Mother Ann showed us a picture of what the finished product will be. I am so exited I can not sleep,we have found out the date of which the boat will set off April the 12th it seems so far away. Anyway my candle is going out so I better go (or try) to sleep.

                                                       Sunday 24 of Febuary 1912

     My brother Thomas visited today and told me he was to marry. He is 22 and is going to marry a french woman Adelaide Farrel. I know nothing of her but am to be a bridesmaid to her. Their wedding is to be on the March the 10th. I have never been to a wedding a hope it is enjoyable. Polly is going be sent to a childrens hospital and Maria has been found a gardian,who Polly will live with to if she recovers.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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