A new beginning (ch1)

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"Buzzzz buzzzzz"my phone vibrating as if it were going to fall of my night stand

I roll over to face the bright gaze of my phone and the constant noise coming from it , I switch of my phone and sit up on the side of my bed my .the voice inside my head telling me to get dressed because we don't want to be late for our first day

I wonder down stairs grab my laptop and purse and and shout to my dad I'll be in the car .i sit in the back seat and sit my bag in the middle lean forward and turn on the radio , I sit there patiently wondering if I'll make friends or even if anyone would like me. My dad comes out with his pj bottoms on and a normal shirt ."nice style dad"I chuckle "well kiddo no one sees my bottom half when I'm driving" we both laugh for a Minute "what shit is this your playing in my car".

We pull up in car park and my dad parks at least 5 minutes away "Ano it's embarrassing to show up with your dad so u can walk from here " " thanks dad I will get the bus back I know the area enough to make it home plus I want to see what type of library they have here"

I get out the car and don't turn back. The closer I get the faster my heart pumps and the more my breathing gets heavier

I head to the office and a a Girl with black ripped jeans and an oversized jumper on with round black glasses and black vans approaches me and introduce her self "hi am Amy and I'm Ment to take you a tour but we both know u only need the basics to go around the school "she says with a bubble voice she seems cheery and peppy."emmmm hi am Ellie" " hi Ellie so let's get things started, follow me "
.we walk around the school for awhile showing me the classes and she kept taking the longest ways even tho I had only been in school for half an hour and new the way about it all ready ,in my head I was thinking she's trying to patch class but to be honest I'm not mad because well I would do the same at my school. She gives me my time table and takes me to my class and says "there's 25 mins left you'll have time to get assigned a seat and told your new project ""ok Thks"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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