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"Get out! Run! I'm not going to be able to infuse it in time," Woozi yelled to the remaining boys surrounding him, "Go!"
They run down the stairs and out the front door where Hoseok was strapping Yoongi in the car already with a couple bags of his clothes, his diaper bag, and his favorite stuffie in his lap.
Seokjin rushed to throw their life savings in the trunk before jumping in the driver seat, with Namjoon in the passenger and the rest of their boyfriends in the back.
Shining Diamonds members jumped in their 3 parked cars and each one of them put their car in reverse and drove to the end of their driveway.
That's when the explosion went off.
"Language," Seokjin said under his breath as he stared at the remains of their house.
"At least we can get that mansion we been wanting," Taehyung said trying to be positive.
"House go boom," Yoongi whispered sleepily, "it gone."
"Yes honey it's gone."
"Where we live now?"
"We're going to live with some friends," Namjoon answered their little's question.
"Yeah baby and you'll have a little friend," Hoseok added trying to get their baby's mind off the explosion.

"Now when we get home, we're going to welcome Bangtan with open arms," S.Coups ordered his members whom were on a third way call to each car, "they just lost all of their belongs. And they're going to be starting over."
"Again," Joshua said from the other car.
"Again?" (Dino)
"Back in 2013 their last home was set on fire by some enemies of theirs." (Joshua)
"Are you sure it's a good idea to have them stay with us?" (Hoshi)
"Yeah what if we get dragged into their mess." (DK)
"How many times have they helped us with our messes?" (S.Coups)
"Everytime." (Jeonghan)
"Exactly." (S.Coups)

24 hours later
"Thank you again for letting us stay," Namjoon says to S.Coups the next morning, "I can't thank you enough."
"Of course, you seven don't have anywhere to stay anyways. You can stay here as long as you like."
"Yeah plus I think Woozi is enjoying having a playmate," Hoshi adds looking to his sub with admirement in his eyes.
The two littles were sitting in front of the fridge building blocks to barricade the fridge to prevent the "grown ups" to get into it. They giggled to themselves, their tower was huge to them, as they sat and looked up to it. And because they were pretty small themselves.
"How often is Woozi little?" Jin asked suddenly, wanting to get to know their friends before them. They usually only did business with each other never really talking about their private lives.
"Almost 24/7 lately."
"He used to only be little around me and Hoshi, but he's grown to feel comfortable around the others enough to regress where ever and still feel safe," DK finished Hoshi's answer.
"Yoongi sometimes unwillingly falls into headspace that's why I asked."
"From trauma?"
"Daddy," five heads popped up, including Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Hoshi, and DK's heads turned at a little's voice.
"Yes?" they ask in unison, the others laugh as the littles giggle.
"Daddy minmin," Yoongi corrected his speech, "want juice."
"What do you say?"
"May I have juice please?"
"Me too! Me too," Woozi jumped up and down, getting a soft warning look from Hoshi, "please," he added.
"Let's get these little boys some juice!" Hoseok and Seungkwan jumped up to prepare the sippy cups.
Namjoon and Jin continued to go through the only supplies they had left from their home, they didn't have time to grab much. Only important things, like a bag of clothes each, their life savings, weapons, and Mr. Davidson for Yoongi.
Most of Yoongi's little gear of burned up with the house itself, the only things left were some stuff animals, his pacis, a couple sippy cups, and a little of his clothes. What ever could fit in the diaper bag at the time.
Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin were on the lookout for new houses online, while Hoseok took care of Yoongi himself.
When someone knocked on the front door it made them all freeze up.
"Who could that be?" Mingyu asks, while Wonwoo pulls out his gun on instinct.
"Put that thing away in front of the little ones," Hoshi snapped, pushing the gun down.
The littles tilted their heads confused, both shrugged and continued on there way picking out juice.
"Dino check," S.Coups demanded, the youngest was up in seconds to go check their house cams.
"It's no one we know," the maknae replies from the other room.
"How many?"
"Four or five."
"Specific number would be nice Dino-ah."
"Seungkwan, DK take Woozi up to his room."
"Hoseok take Yoongi with them," Namjoon added to S.Coups commands.
Once they reached the steps and out of sight every last member left pulled out some type of weapon, rather that be a gun or a knife, they were prepared to fight. S.Coups and Namjoon lead, with Jeonghan and Jungkook behind them as back up. They stopped at the door without opening it quite yet.
"Who are you?"
"We just want to talk."
S.Coups and Namjoon exchanged looks, then directed their own members to line up, guns pointed. The ones with the knives were instructed to have them at knife point as soon as they opened the doors. This was all done with simple hand movements they all needed to understand so they didn't have to speak and risk them hearing their plans.
Jungkook and Jeonghan each got a door to open, while Namjoon and S.Coups stood in front. Jun, Vernon, Joshua, The8, and Dino had the knives ready which left the rest of them with guns.
Five people, just like Dino said, stood with no weapons in sight when they opened the doors.
"Who are you?"
"And put your hands where we can see them," Hoshi added threatening.
"We have no weapons. I give permission to search me and my men."
"Doesn't matter."
"Okay. Your territory, your rules." All five of them raised their arms while the leader continued to speak, "We're here to make a truly persuasive deal."
"And that is?"
"Your life full of wealth and fortune for just one thing," the leader, dressed in a ugly brown trench coat, a suit underneath, and black boots, glanced at all of their faces, "We want to meet Min Yoongi."

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