RKO your kidding me right?

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I had just finished a busy day shopping, its my job im a personal shopper.

I decided to head to shake a way and get the famous milkybar milkshake i always have.

"large milkybar milk shake please" i asked while i went into my bag to find my purse

"maltesers milkshake" one of the staff called while i was still trying to find my purse

"here you go and that one as well" he said i looked up to see what he was talking about

He handed over the money as they put my milkshake on the counter. I looked over and i couldn't believe who i saw it was none other than Randy Orton the WWE Superstar

"here you go angel" he said handing me my milk shake.i couldn't talk i was still in shock.

"thanks" i managed to get out

"care to join me" he said motioning to an empty table


I took my seat opposite him i managed to find my purse by then "how much do i owe you?" i asked

"nothing" he said putting his hand up

"come on please let me pay for my own shake"

"seriously no" he said giving me his famous smile with the intense looking eyes

I smiled and took a sip of my milkshake "so i guess the WWE are in town otherwise you wouldn't be here?" i asked

" yeah we are"

" cool"

"so what is it you do for a living?" he asked me

"im a personal shopper"

" well im glad i ran i to you then i need some new clothes, im getting tired off the tshirt and jeans combo" he said pointing to his clothes. I couldn't help but laugh

"but you rock that combination so well" i smiled

We sipped on our shakes then he spoke "so are you coming to the show tonight?"

"i wish i don't have a ticket"

"well here come and be my special VIP guest" he said sliding a VIP pass across the table


"yep im serious, well i got to go ill look for you at the show?" he said getting up

"uhuh" i said picking up the pass and putting it in my bag.

I looked up and he was gone then all of a sudden "im sorry i didn't catch your name?" he said

" Riley" i said and with that he smiled and then left.

I sat there for a few minutes reliving what had happened in my head before getting up from the table. I threw my empty cup in the trash can and then left.

I made it to my car and drove home, then i got out the VIP pass and checked it over and then looked online to see what time the show started. It was 7pm the show started and it was 5pm now ok so i better go and decide what to wear.

After practically throwing half my wardrobe on my bedroom floor i decided on a pair of black ripped jeans a black vest top and a hoodie and ankle converse boots.

I took a shower and left my hair down since i couldn't be arsed to do anything with it.

I checked the clock 6:45 ok so i needed to get going.

I drove to the arena and i showed them my VIP pass which stated i was Randy Orton's special guest "would you like to see him now or after the show?" i was asked

RKO your kidding me right?Where stories live. Discover now