I'm sorry

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Dear ?

I'm sorry I haven't been there for you, but I've had troubles of my own which I didn't want to burden you with. I know I'm the last person who you want to talk to but I want to try and help but I'm also here to tell the truth to you.

Jessica was just a girl, even if she was different and special than any other...There will be more girls in life, plenty more who will give you a chance and love you without making you change your personality. You're an amazing friend and my only regret is losing you :'( I hope you read this and talk to me, I'm so sorry for everything, ignoring you, leaving you and everything I possibly could or have done.

please accept how sorry I am, you don't have to say anything to me, just don't leave me in the dark :( I love you as a bro, dude...


From your sorry, sad ex best friend

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