It All Started With A Picture

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Saguru was just minding his own business, taking notes during their lecture, when there was a sudden explosion of pink. Once the smoke cleared and a cursory glance around the classroom revealed himself to be the center of attention, he heaved an eternally suffering sigh, gave Kuroba a knowing look and proceeded to calmly ask permission to be excused to the bathroom.

The teacher, knowing first hand what it's like to be a victim of Kuroba's pranks, flashed him a sympathetic look and allowed him to leave. He grabbed his bag and made his way to the restroom to assess the damage done this time, pausing in the doorway and glancing at the culprit once more, allowing himself a glimpse of the slightly dissatisfied magician thief's expression.

He was internally pleased that he managed to keep any reaction from showing, refusing to give his messy haired classmate the satisfaction. His momentary pleasure was quickly dampened once he was in the bathroom and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He could hardly recognize himself.

Replacing his normally wavy blonde hair was a hot pink wig in pigtails, his lips were a matching shade of pink, and there was a slightly lighter coloring of eyeshadow applied along with mascara to lengthen his lashes flatteringly. He stared shockingly at his reflection, before he realized that wasn't all. There was some glistening stuff applied to his cheekbones, like shiny fairy dust, and his eye color matched his hair and lipstick.

He was gobsmacked as to how all of this could have happened without him feeling a thing. There was no logical explanation. Seriously, he even managed to put contacts into his eyes without him noticing. That's just a whole new level of impossibility.

He groaned aloud as he realized he'd have to clean all this up before he could show his face around school again. Sure he had to admit he didn't look half bad, but he was a man and he would like to preserve as much of his pride as he could after the numerous times this has happened already. At least Kuroba seemed to have left his clothes alone this time. Small mercies.

He first moved to take the wig off, and discovered a shocking revelation. It wasn't a wig. It was hair extensions. He carefully untangled the pigtails from his actual hair and threw them in the trash. That left him with his usual hair. Except it was now a daring pink. He hoped it would wash out easy, but that also meant he had to go the rest of the day looking like a walking troll doll. Lovely.

He grabbed some paper towels and just as he was wetting them to start cleaning all the makeup off his face, the door to the bathroom opened. In waltzed Kuroba with a pleasant smirk on his face and pride in his eyes. A job well done in his eyes, Saguru presumed. Well Saguru was anything but happy with his current predicament, shooting an unimpressed look at the brown haired boy and going back to wetting the paper towels.

He moved to start with the shiny stuff on his face, but before he could, Kuroba suddenly appeared beside him and grasped his hand holding the wet paper towels, bringing it away from his startled face. Saguru looked at the other teen curiously, wondering just what he wanted now? Saguru wouldn't allow him to stop him from taking all the ridiculousness off his face. No matter what he had to do to deter the slippery imp.

"What are you doing now Kuroba? You got your distraction from class already. Honestly, can't you find some other form of entertainment rather than repeatedly trying to humiliate me?" he asked in mild irritation.

"To me, no other form of entertainment beats you!" he replied cheerily. Saguru sighed, resigned to his fate by now, but no more happy about it.

"Why me?" he asked exasperatedly.

Kuroba gave him an unidentifiable look, his eyes shining with something that made Saguru slightly on edge. "You always have such interesting reactions, from explosive to mild to barely visible. It's always a treat. I just can't seem to leave my favorite detective alone," he said airily.

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