Quidditch Game

842 11 2

Year 4

"WOW! Slytherin scores another set of points, setting them far into the lead! Unless Weasley can catch the Snitch, the games a loss for Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor team was tired, and Rose was even worse. She knew her late night studying would be the death of her, and her death is exactly what would happen if she didn't win this match. It didn't really help that the stupid announcer was targeting the teams hope on her.

She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. Enough of that, you have a game to win! She thought, gripping her broom stick tightly and dodging a bludger.

Malfoy- where is he? The other teams seeker was notorius for hiding from others to try and search for the Snitch. It's a smart idea, honestly, but she wasn't going to think as low as that jerk. Instead she surveys right above the mess, looking for the golden beast that weaves in and out of the players.

Suddenly, she feels a push and a maniacal laugh as a green robed player zooms past her.

Oh no he doesn't!

She lurches forward, trying to at least stay the same distance behind him. As the two twist and turn, Rose gets the chance to see the glint of gold infront of Scorpius. He cannot get that Snitch.

She starts gaining on him, right as they dive underneath the stands. He starts to slow down a bit, weaving inbetween the wooden boards cautiously. Rose, on the other hand, almost slams into him, then goes above and down, slipping through the wooden boards farther up that are holding the stands together. Its dark there, making the screaming of the wind seem louder and their breathing thicker.

She cuts infront of him, hearing an angry grunt behind her as she speeds toward the Snitch. She giggles, and then shouts out, for the winged ball flew through a hole in the decorative canvas and back out into the field. In the split second of make it or break it, she jerks the broom to turn and goes back out.

Frantically looking around, Rose can't seem to find the Snitch. Malfoy, though, is all too quick to leap for it. She starts after him but hes only inches away from grasping it. She goes as fast as the broom can allow, getting closer and closer...

She reaches out, side by side with him, and she bites her lip out of concentration.

She notices that Scorpius hasn't tried to push her away. Maybe he was too busy focusing. Something she should be doin-

Suddenly, something smacks her arm. She hears a crack and feels a horrid pain in her arm. A bludger hit her! She cries out, her arm immediately tucked into her stomach, and jolts to a stop. Tears start to fall from her face as she looks up and sees Scorpius catch the Snitch. The green side of the stands goes wild.


With one glance at a green beater near her, she knew the bludger hitting her was no accident.

The announcer goes on to explain how marvellous the win was, and how it was due to quick thinking that the team could have even won. Rose, toned it out, though, and landed onto the grassy field. She was going to walk away and go to the nurses, but as soon as an ugly faced, green robed, slime ball passed by winking and saying "Better luck next time...", she knew who she was going to kill- who cares about going to Azkaban. Maybe the prison life was for her!

"Rose!" A familiar voice called out. It was Albus. "Oh God, Rose is your arm...?"

As if it heard Al say it's name, fresh pain came stabbing in, and all Rose could do to respond is make a pained noise. He suddenly looked sickened and ran up to her. "Let's get you to the hospital wing." He said, calmly. He wrapped his arm around Rose. She could feel how much he was shaking...

Then she felt bad. He just won the game, he should be partying with his teammates instead of helping her with her stupid arm. "Al you don't need to help me-"

"Hey, Potter!" Oh no, not this pig. "You gonna come hang out with us?"

Albus gave Rose a warning glance, making sure she understood to not be rude. She rolled her eyes.

Then, he turned to Malfoy. "I will after I help Rose out. Gotta take her to the hospital wing."

Rose heard a snicker. "What happened? Did she break a nail?" Scorpius teased.

"My ARM, Malfoy. Broken by one of your dirty, cheating friends!" She hissed, eyes glowering with hatred.

She expected him to retort back, to try and fight his way back from my insult. She thought he would give her a reason to whip out her wand and shove it up his cute, petite nose and punch him in his gut.

She didn't expect him to look severely guilty, and to stutter when he apologized.

What was up with that!?

Rose felt really bad for saying what she did to him, and although she meant what she said, it didn't dawn on her that she might of actually hit home with something like what she had said.

Albus did the smart thing of taking Rose away from the situation. As she turned away from him the pain of her arm got alot stronger and she gasped.

But, the guilt wasn't the only thing she felt. A bit of red tinted her cheeks as she noticed how absuredly adorably he was back there, and how she really just wanted to apologize and hug him and run her fingers through his- oh no. I have feelings for Malfoy.

She sighed, knowing this will not end pretty...

The nurses took Rose in immediately, getting to work on healing her broken arm. She didn't focus on her arm very much, instead she thought about Malfoy and how much a jerk her hormones were being to her for liking such a jerk that was practically a big fat(not really fat he was very in shape and she was almost positive someone said he had like a 6 pack of abs of something) jerk, and was friends with the worst jerks that jerk of a house could offer up to the wizarding world.

Gah, she was so confused she couldn't think of any other word except for jerk to explain how horrible it is to like him.

This was going to be a difficult year- and it all is going to start with facing the defeat of her first quidditch match.

MWAHAHAHAHA im back! And, to celebrate my backiness, I am going to write and write and write until I get writers block again and leave the Wattpad world as I hide in dark corners and ignore the world.

So, the second part. Was this one-shot too dramatic? I feel like it was... Give me your thoughts! I'd love to hear them :)

Toodles *cue waving*

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