the arrivel of brutel fist part 1

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(Chase,vaggie, chairle,nitro,bash, and hack sneak around deathwishes factory then they found the entrance while hiding behind a wall, but it was being guarded by two brute bio warriors two archer dark type bio warriors up on the roof tops but the gang was invisible so they couldn't see them) chase: aw great bio warriors. Vaggie: the hell is a bio warrior? Chase: ok uh bio warriors are these things that were biologically created to kill me or at least stand a chance against me.thing is deathwish stole my bio energy and my dna witch he than created the bio warriors and there are many different types. Those you see right there are the brutes the strongest kind of bio warriors, the bio brutes have nigh invulnerability and are very strong.
Veggie: so how do we kill them? Chase: uh heheh yeah well the only people that can actually kill a bio warrior is someone who has bio energy manipulation and im the only person here who can stand a chance against them so while i distract them you guys try to sneak in. Nitro: wait what, what about us, how can we help? Chase: um ok um bash you can help me with the fighting and both nitro and hack you can go with  vaggie and chairle and keep them safe. Chairle: is there any other way then resorting to violence? Chase: uh heh no no there is not. Chairle: well at least let me help. Chase: you can help by going inside the factory i'll meet ya inside i promise. Chairle: well alright be safe ok. Chase: no worrys (then he put on his nexus suit) biowolfx: yo bio nerds come get some of this! (Then he started to fight the bio warriors while this was happening the others started to head to the door) nitro: alright man do your magic on the door and open it up! Hack: ugh its not magic its nothing but skill.(then he started to use his technology manipulation on the hand scanner and started to hack it open while bash was beaten the crap out of the bio brute then hack just got through and opened the door)
Hack: alright its open lets go. Biowolfx: urr a little help here! (Chase was struggling with a bio brute till something came to be,the crimson demon lend him her strength then he was strong enough to take him down)biowolfx: urraghh! (He then punched him in the chest so hard he went into the entry way then he stood up and behind him was a demonic version of biowolfx filled with demonic rage and the power of the blue devil, combined he is known as the crimson devil ) biobrute: ugh (crimson devil put both of his hands through the brutes ripcage then ripped him apart) crimson devil: ragggh death to all who oppose me! (Then chairle saw chase and how he was acting) chairle: chase? Crimson: huh? Chairle? Ahh! Urragh (then chase transformed into his human form) chase: uhhh woah man maby i might of went a little overboard hehe. Later chase and the gang went through the hallway and into the camera room) hack: wow way does this guy have a tank? Chase: i don't know but im betting its a new type of weapon to take me down. Nitro: uh dudes you might want to check this huh? (He saw beserker bull torturing blair)Uh blair?! chase: urrr beserker is going to PAY! (He yelled while revealing his dragon blade) everyone hold on to me! (Then he teleported everyone to the main lab) beserkerbull: urr when is he gonna be here! You told me that he would be here and he isn't now where the fuck is he! Deathwish: be patient beserker he'll be here and you will be able to use the new abilities i have bestown upon you. (Then a ball of electricity landed right in front of them) biowolfx:come on beserker one on one, you and me. Beserker: finally i was hoping you'd show up RAHHHH!
Chase: bash, nitro go get blair I'll handle beserker, Fuuuu(he then transformed into furour chase's inner dragon)ROURRR! Furour: FEEL THE WRATH OF THE DRAGON!! (Then both furour and beserker started to fight each other through a wall and into another room) nitro: now how am i supposed to open this.furour: urrr nitro hurry up i can't keep this up all day!! Nitro: uhhhh aw forget it!(then he used his blazing big wrench to hit the controls to release both blair and another bio orb filled with chases ancestor) hack: nitro are crazy! You couldve made everything worst! Nitro: oh come on i did release blair, and we found one of them orbs filled with one of our family members how could it possibly get worst? (Then a alarm went off) female voice: factory will explode in 1 minute. chairle: uh maby like that. Hack/bash/furour:NITRO!! nitro: Sorry dudes! Furoar: nitro just grab blair i'll get the orb. Beserker: NOT SO FAST! (beserker said while useing a headlock on furour: WHAT GET..OFF OF ME!! Female voice: 30 seconds. Bash: aw great i don't think even i can withstand a blast like this but maby the mighty rinno can. (Then bash turned into his level 3 form) might: oh yeah!! Ok guys lets get outta here.(he said while grabing everyone except for chase aka furour) Chairle: wait what about chase! Mighty rinno: uhh(he noticed furour beating the living snot out of beserker) yeah he's a little busy and besides he can survive somthing like this...hopefully. Chairle: and what if he doesn't!? Mighty rinno: then uh (10 seconds) oh crap! No time to talk its time to get outta here!!! Chairle: no wait!! (Then he jumped outta there) hold on tight!! (Then the factory exploded.
(They crashed landed 15 miles away from the factory) bash: ugh is everyone alright? Chairle: we need to go back chase needs our help. Vaggie: chairle i don't think he made it. Chairle: but the factory didn't explode yet maby theres a-(booooom!!) Noooo! (Sobing) vaggie: im so sorry Chairle.(she said while hugging her) nitro: hack he isn't gone is he? Hack: i don't think even chase can survive somthing like that. Bash: uh guys whats that? (They saw a blue ball coming straight for them) bash: everybody take cover!! (Then the blue ball crashed land right next to them) Chairle:wa- was that? Chase: uh man well thats gonna hurt in the morning. Chairle: chase!😍 (she then started to kiss him over and over and over till he fainted) chairle: chase? Chase? Are you ok? Chase: ughhhhh 😵nitro: hahaha wow did he just faint?!😂
(Later chase took blair back home in his new house in hell into a chamber thats keeping her alive ) chase: so sam whats going on with blair? Sam: her cosmic energy is low she needs more of the same kind of energy that turned her into what she is now. Chase: but i haven't seen that comet ever since i was 13 years old. Sam: give me a second. Charle: so chase i was wondering. Chase: hmm? What is it? Chairle: what is blair to you? Chase: ...blair is like a little sister to me. I took care of her from when i was 13 years old and now shes dieing
And its all my fault! Chairle: cha-chase. Sam: ok i found the comets energy signature and its located in another crimsion organization location. Nitro: crimsion organization? The heck is that? Chase: uh teh...send me the coordinates to the organization i'll find the comet and bring it back. Sam: chase i understand why you would want to do this,but there's someone there that will give you a hard time. I suggest you bring some backup. Chase: backup? Urr hmm. How about this, the ancestor inside the bio orb. Sam: thats not a good idea chase, who knows whos in there. Chase: well this way i won't be alone!(then he begins to open it) sam: wait the energy it feels chase wait!(whoosh) chase: aghhurrrrrahhhhhhh!! (The surge of energy went stright into chase then hell flames and holy flames started to burst out of his body then he transformed into a 29 year old  man with a tan and a big scar on his back and other scars on his chest his hair is dark red and long his eyes were burning with flames he had a ball chain locked onto both his hands preventing him from using his hands)
???: what the hell!? Where am i? Who are you people!!? Sam: uh um nitro: woah dude uh chase you alright? Bash: nitro you idiot thats not chase its one of our ancestors. ??: ancestor? What are you talking about?! Hack: ok just relax i think introductions are in order my name is harold but you can call me hack this is bash and thats nitro. Whats your name? ???: my name? not sure what my name is, but the only name i remember is... BRUTAL FIST.

chase enters the world Of brutel fist Where stories live. Discover now