Chapter One: Exposition

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Autumn arrived after a long and unforgiving summer. The swift breezes made the winter feel so much closer. Miles, a young adult, sat quietly in a park with a book in hand. Reading the exhilarating tales of the Murder on 24th Street helped calm his nerves after a long day at work. The rustle of the auburn leaves felt like the first sip of tea after it's done steeping.

The change from hot to noticeably cooler weather gave a shock to his system as he graced his fingers over the smooth pages of his book. He would often gaze up at the sky for clues on the time but never worried as to where he should've been. He would almost never make plans with anyone as he never really spoke to people enough for plans to be made. He usually spent his days reading outside or curling up indoors with some tea and a tv show to watch. Most described him as an introvert or anxious, but he chose to word himself as an outcast purely for the purpose of having no other words that fit him quite right.

When analysing himself for a label that society deemed fitting, he found himself at an impasse. Introvert didn't seem to fit as when he spoke he was quite the extrovert and excitable but only with close friends who had their own lives and schedules that didn't adhere to his own. Anxious didn't fit either as he wasn't afraid to speak his mind or have his own opinion; the same would apply to the category overall of being kept to himself. Extrovert, on the other hand, didn't quite fit either due to his lack of conversing with others on a consistent basis. He kept to himself when working on a task but spoke out during breaks and outings. he may partake given the opportunity. He's not so close friends would describe him as such things like introvert and anxious, but his close friends would say otherwise. The only one who truly knew him was himself and his closest friend Mark.

Mark was very intuned with what others felt about him and would often call them out if they were spouting lies about him. Mark held a candle to Miles as he did what he couldn't do. He found comfort in his impulses and learned how to control them at a young age while Mark never learned such a skill. He felt inferior to Miles since learning of his self-control. But when they met that was a whole different story.

The two met at a coffee shop near the downtown of London as Miles had taken a break from the heat and entered the cooler air with his normal book in hand. Mark had taken one of the free booths and, finding no other free seats around, asked if he could sit across from him to take a break from the heat. Thus, a conversation sprouted as they partook in small talk over the weather veering into topics such as the book Miles was reading or their family lives.

"My wife is driving me crazy. "

Miles felt the ounce of sarcasm in Mark's voice as he told his little story. He felt happy knowing that Mark was with the woman he loved and that she showed him the same respect. He was also reminded of the fact that society and the human body in itself craved companionship and found a driving force to befriend Mark to possibly achieve such a goal. Though sticking such attachments on a total stranger would be ludicrous, he felt that primal urge for a companion and sought it out in Mark. After cooling down from his aforementioned anxiety and Mark suggesting he had to leave, Miles offered his number in exchange for more conversation when the time became available. Mark agreed and ever since that day they grew closer and closer.

But returning to the present Miles kept to himself as the day grew longer and less active. More stores were closing and people were beginning to head home to get away from the chilling winds. Feeling the societal urge to go home he packed his things and headed home leaving his book on the nightstand by the door as he entered thusly. Heading farther into his modern style but cabinesque house, he took a seat on his soft and comfortable black fabric-covered recliner couch. Soft settling noises echoed through the house as it felt the effects gravity held on it. His phone buzzed around in his pocket, the vibrations ringing through his thigh like ripples in the water after skipping stones.

"Miles, my wife just baked me a bunch of cookies and they're deli-cious!" Miles chuckled at Mark's loving but sarcastic tone whenever talking about his wife.

"Yum, I'm starving! "

"Wanna go out for lunch?"


"We can have lunch at Drake's Cafe. Have you ever been there?"

"I haven't, is it good?"

"It has the most amazing scones and the best Camomile tea you could ever dream of."

"I can't wait. This is gonna be the highlight of my week."

"I can't wait either. We should hang out after that if you're able to."

"Aw, dude, you know me. I have no life, just me. I read, work, eat, shit, sleep. You know, the usual human life. You're my only friend."

"Speaking of friends, you need them."

"I have friends. I have you."

"You need more than that. How about a partner? Did you get that? I know you've been around some cute hotties."

"Well, there was this one guy I was looking at, but he wasn't really my type."

"Who is he? You sound fond of him. Otherwise, you wouldn't have mentioned him."

"Really? It was just some guy I met at the bookstore while I was checking out books."

"Tell me. how cute is he?

"He's tall about 6'4 maybe 6'3. Brown eyes and hair, with an amazingly deep voice. It sounds like it can just rip right through me. He spoke very softly and tender but that may be due to being in a library environment. God, I can't wait to make him scream!"

"'Not my type,' really? You're describing him like he's your next meal."

"Oh, boy, if he was I would tear him apart."

"Sounds like he is already. Hey, why don't I set you two up on a date sometime soon?"

"Oh, I don't know... Would he even like me?"

"If he's anything like us, then, you know what would happen."

"If he is, then no. I wouldn't want that, too many people and connections. It'll just end up getting us caught."

"Well, you need them. Text him or I will."

"Fine! I will, but if this goes bad it's on you."

"Trust me, it'll go great."

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