✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Eight *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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Minho runs into the lunchroom and over to the table Chan is at. He walks up and whispers something in his ear. His eyes go wide and he jumps up.

"I already grabbed your stuff." Minho says. "Where's Haven?" He asks.

"Over there." Chan says pointing to a table in the far corner. Haven is staring right at them. they notice Minho with a frantic look.

"Haven! Let's go! We have somewhere we need to be!" Minho shouts.

Haven gives him a questioning look.

"Now! It's important! It has to do with Minhee!" Minho yells. Haven gets up and runs over.

"Come on." Minho says. He runs out and sees Sunji standing by a car waving for them.

"Get in." He says.

They get in and Sunji drives to the hospital.

When they get there Minho runs in and demands Minhee's room number.

"I'm sorry ma'am. She's in surgery. But we'll notify you when she gets out." The lady at the front desk says.


The doctor comes out and Minho jumps up.

"What happened?" Haven asks.

"Mrs. Lee was attacked by someone. She was brutally beaten then stabbed. She's lucky to have survived but she did." He says.

"Can we see her?" Chan asks.

"You can but she's not awake yet." The doctor tells them.

They walk into the room number the doctor gives them.

When they get there Minho breaks down in tears.

"Minhee." He whimpers as Chan wraps his arms around the boy.

"What if she doesn't wake up? What if she gets in a coma and doesn't wake up like I did? Even if she had her powers by now they wouldn't be as strong as mine or Mirae's. What if she never wakes up and I never get to hear her voice or see her goofy smile?" Minho asks with tears streaming down his face.

"What if I lose her?" He asks.

He goes and sits in the chair next to Minhee.

Why does everything bad that happens in my life happen to the people I love? First it was Mirae leaving, then it was Haven being sent here, then it was Sakura almost getting killed by the humans that hate us, and now Minhee. Why? Why does it all happen to them? Minho thinks.

He grabs Minhee's hand and it's cold. There's still a pulse and her heart is still beating. But you'd think he was dead from how cold his hand was.

"It will be alright. She'll be okay. She's stronger than you think." Chan says.

The door opens and Mirae runs in.

"Is she okay?!" She asks frantically.

"She's alive if that's what you're asking. But okay? She has a broken arm, three broken ribs, a broken leg, a nasty gash in her forehead, a bunch of horrible bruises, and cut marks from a knife all over her body. There's a stab wound on her stomach. Whoever attacked her was aiming to kill her. She's lucky to be alive." Minho says.

"Poor Minhee. Who would want to do this?" Mirae asks.

"I already know who. Valen. I broke up with him so he's trying to get back at me by hurting the people I love most." Minho says.

"When were you dating him? You were in a coma for seven years." Chan asks.

"When I was in my coma my brain made a world that was fake. At least I thought it was. Apparently I was awake and in the coma all at the same time. And I dated Valen when I was fourteen. I broke up with him because he was an obsessive jerk who didn't care if I got hurt. He didn't even care when I broke up with him. But apparently now he wants me back and he's gonna hurt the people I love until he gets me." Minho says.

"How do you know it was Valen?" Haven asks.

"Look at Minhee's arm. See her wrist? Rope burns. Then right above her wrist in permanent marker. That symbol. That symbol was everywhere in Valen's house when I dated him. When I asked him about it he said it was his personal symbol. He always used the example of if he became a superhero. Some superhero he is." Minho says.

Then something happened that made Minho's heart drop.

Minhee's heart monitor flatlined. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Catastrophe • Minchan [COMPLETED] *:・゚✧*:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now