Checking In

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*November 30th*

Mariana rolled over towards the bedside table where her phone was lighting up and vibrating with an incoming video call. She picked it up and swiped across the screen, then proceeded to put her phone to her ear like a normal phone call. "Hello?" She mumbled out, her voice was still groggy.

"Ana? Where are you? I can't see you." Jimin said with a bit of confusion as he looked around the screen trying to find her.

"Well, yeah, Jimin. That's how a call works." Mariana jokingly pointed out to him.

"But this is a video call. I should be able to see you..."

"Huh?" She started and moved her phone so that she could see the screen, and cringed at the light. "Ahhhh, bright light." She groaned.

"She lives!" She heard Namjoon in the background.

"Hi, Namjoon."Mariana said as she ran a hand over her face and into her brown and caramel colored ombre, wavy mop of bed-head hair, her eyes squinting as she tried to focus on the blinding phone screen.

"We just wanted to make sure you were still alive." Namjoon started as he slumped an arm across Jimin's shoulders, Jimin adjusting his phone so they were both clearly in the frame. "Suga started worrying about if you made it home or not. Then he thought we scared you away."

"It was really funny." Jimin added with an amused smile.

Mariana put her fingers of her free hand over her eye. "Ohhh, I forgot to text you guys yesterday, didn't I? Crap." She said and drug her hand down her face.

"Yeah, you did. We were all getting worried about you." Jimin pointed out.

"I'm sorry guys. I assure you, I'm alive and well. I was just occupied." She said as she started slowly waking up.

"So, Mariana. I have to know." Jimin started with a mischievous smile. "You're ARMY. Who is your bias?"

"Are you really going to ask me that while I'm still half asleep and prone to actually answering?"

"Oh, definitely." He smiled out as Suga snuck in behind them, rubbing his wet hair with a towel.

Mariana sighed a bit. "It's Suga. Min Yoongi is my bias."

"I called it! You two each owe me lunch!" Suga exclaimed in victory, startling all three of them.

"AHH!" They all exclaimed as the camera's view went everywhere for a moment.

"Well, now I'm awake. Thanks, Suga." Mariana stated once she shot up in bed, and adjusted herself against the headboard before she grabbed the remote for her overhead light. She set it on a pretty dim setting, but it was light enough to easily see her and the background.

"It's almost noon. You should be awake by now anyway." Namjoon pointed out as Suga tossed the towel he had been using to the side, and Jimin straightened his phone out again so all three were mostly visible in the shot.

"I haven't been in America for three years. The time change is seriously kicking my butt." Mariana admitted with a little chuckle.

"Apparently." Jimin joked a bit.

"So. What happens in the average day of Mariana when she's not in Korea?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"I usually spend a large part of the first couple of days sleeping so I can adjust to the time change."

"Perfect! Suga would sleep all day if we'd let him." Namjoon teased him.

"That is not true!" Suga defended.

"Oh really? You fall asleep for at least 20 minutes every time we have a night shoot." Jimin pointed out.

"And you're always the first one to fall asleep, and the last one to wake up." Namjoon added.

Both the boys started laughing nervously as Suga gave both of them an icy death stare. Mariana just watched the scene with her lips bit together to keep herself from laughing. Jimin dodged a bit as Suga lunged at him, merely stealing Jimin's phone from him and running away with it.

"Oh, come on! Give me back my phone!" Mariana heard Jimin yelling after Suga right before he got into his own hotel room and locked the door.

"Okay. Now that those two are taken care of, how are you today?" Suga asked with a little victorious smile as he readjusted the phone so that Mariana could actually see his face.

"So far so good, I guess. We'll see if that changes once I actually leave the bed." Mariana said with a chuckle.

"Fair point. Any exciting plans today?" Suga asked as he sat on his bed and got himself propped against the wall.

"I don't know yet. I might help my dad move the cows into their new pasture. See how much I can remember on how to drive a herd with a horse." She said with a small chuckle.

"Your parents live on a farm then?" Suga asked with a little curious tilt of his head.

"Yeah. It's not really a lifestyle for me, but I don't mind helping out, and I do like to ride my dad's bomb-proof horses, so I can't complain." Mariana explained and Suga straightened his head.

"It's been a while since I've ridden on a horse. I did have fun last time though." Suga admitted.

"Well, if you ever find yourself at my parents' house with me, you're welcome to ride with me." She jokingly offered with a smile, but the sentiment was real.

Suga nodded a bit with a smile. "Maybe I'll get to take you up on that sometime."

"Maybe." Mariana happily agreed with him and grabbed her black framed glasses off of her nightstand and put them on as she started to get out of bed.

Suga couldn't help but smile at her. He liked seeing glasses on her rounded face. "Glasses, huh?"

Mariana sighed. "Yeah. My vision is only one or two points off from "I don't need glasses." It's kind of obnoxious." She said with a chuckle as she moved around the room, gathering her clothes for the day and setting them on her bed.

Suga reached over to a bedside table and then sat back up, a pair of similar glasses now across his eyes. "Don't worry. I can't read a thing without these or my contacts." He said with a little smile.

"At least you look good with or without your glasses. I'm stuck with these things until I can get my contacts in."
'Ohmygod. That was supposed to be an inside thought!! Ohcrap! Ohcrap! Ohcrap!'

Suga laughed a little with a wide smile. "I think you look good both with and without your glasses."

Mariana smiled and looked away from her phone for a moment as she felt her cheeks get hot. "Thank you."
'Wow. That was a way different reaction than I had expected.'

"I should let you go. It sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you." Suga said, still smiling, but now because of Mariana's reddening cheeks.

Mariana nodded. "Yeah, I guess I do. I'll talk to you later, Suga." She said with a smile.

"Tomorrow?" He asked with a hopeful tone.

Mariana chuckled. "Definitely."

Suga nodded. "Okay, great. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye Ana."

"Bye, Suga." She said with a smile and they hung up the call before they went back to continue with their days.

A Thousand Words (Min Yoongi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now