Before I start to say anything, just know that the majority of you aren't going to be happy with what I'm about to say, especially those of you who read ORAS.
But basically, I'm not happy. And no, I'm not depressed or anything. This has nothing to do with my current mental health at all.
This has to do with this account.
Everytime I log on to this website, I'm hit with a wave of dissatisfaction. For weeks, I've been trying to figure out what's making me dislike this account so much, but then last night, as I was thinking in bed, I realized that it's not just one thing.
It's everything.
I re-read what I have so far in ORAS, and I think to myself, 'This could be so much better.'
I look at my account, and this disgust takes over, and I can't help but like... hate it.
"That makes no sense," you say. "May, ORAS is like, amazing, and your profile is great, blah blah blah..."
Yeah, I get it. You guys like ORAS (unless you're lying to me, which is fine, I guess) and you guys like me (again, unless you're lying to me lol), but I don't like any of it.
So, that's why I needed you all to read this. If you don't even like me, then cool, this will be good news, I guess.
But the reason I wrote this today is to tell you that I'm moving accounts. I'm leaving this one for good, and I'm switching over to an account called @writing-a-sunset. From now on, I will be active only on that account, and I'm just leaving this one here.
As for ORAS (and this is the part where you're going to hate me), I'm starting over over there and taking it down here, along with my random book, except for this part. Be mad if you want, but I honestly can't stand looking at it and knowing that I can do so much better. Everything is going to be completely redone, from the covers (I'm sorry ImberLapis, I just really want to draw my own covers) to the personalities of the characters.
I'm really sorry guys, but I promise it'll be worth it.
RandomFOLLOW @crimscent PLEASE! ~ Everyone else has one, so why not? Please note: I'M CRAZY (This beautiful cover was made by @crimscent. I suggest checking out her graphics portfolio.)