The First Meet

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  January 20th

   My world is a world where anything is possible and a world where your social status can affect what laws you have to follow if your a man that is... But your untouchable if your Galra, they've taken over the entire enchanted world I once knew destroying it one little piece at a time, at this point in time, I and two other girls are being held against our will... being forced to marry or they hurt our pets. They hurt them anyway each time she's hit I feel her pain 


I stopped mid-page as someone knocked on the door it's one of two people. Haggar or her son Lotor whom im to be wed too, "Come in" I spoke softly hoping they wouldn't hear me due too my lack of energy from earlier, but he heard me either way, Figures. "Lila my dear don't you look ravishing" I mentally cringed as he placed a hand on my back, I flinched away from his touch he could sense my discomfort, we acted like this he knocked a certain way when his mother was watching... when she wasn't Lotor was like my best friend he didn't want this either. "she's gone" he whispered it was almost inaudible I let out a sigh "I just wanna live in my village again Lotor, Help my mother with chores and watch my dad lead..." I didn't flinch from his touch this time as he set a hand on my shoulder "I vow to get you out of this, I know your sick of being moved around." I nodded when yells started to come from below the small castle "I must 'Help' my people im sorry Lila" she only nodded and sat on the bench next to her window 'they won't make it to these towers.' not five minutes later her door was burst open a Large lion was carrying a boy in a rushed behind them closing the door quietly so the guards didn't suspect anything I looked back to have an angry lion behind me growling "Lookie here buddy. You came into my own personal prison so don't growl at me!" Lila whisper yelled  the lion settled down She pointed to her large bed "Lay him down." it wasn't a suggestion it was a command and it was obvious she moved to her desk pulling out a needle with thread, lots of cloth, and her jug of water walking over the lion again let out a growl "Do you want him to live or not" she growled back she got onto the bed and sat next to him pulling away his cloak she quickly tucked cloth under him so it didn't get on the sheets then she pulled up his shirt laying the needle down she looked o the lion "I know you feel his pain, and I know you will feel this so im sorry in advance..." she turned her head back in this mans direction laying a cloth in the mystery boys mouth in case he woke up when she was stitching she was quick and precise she saw the lion flinch from the pain once and awhile she finished knotting the thread she worked carefully to  wrap his torso in cloth before removing his cloak and shirt, she survaed the damage on the shirt and smiled " your lucky I have this color of thread" she knew he couldn't hear her but she smiled none the less she went to her station grabbed a hand towel and soaked in water before wringing it out wlking back over and laying it on his head, she then made her way to the large red lion and got on her knees knowing it didn't trust her fully "Do you need some water?" the lion let out a soft huff of approval, she stood and went to her water jug "You know, I have a Lion too, I miss her dearly" tears threatened her eyes before looking back with a smile "She was a divine friend and buddy, the best anyone could ask for," she looked back at her jug filling a large bowl she walked over and set it down a tear mangagin to fall but she quickly wiped it away "Enjoy" she went to her sewing station and repaired the boy's Shirt and afew holes that were in his cloak adding in a removable but light fur underlayer for his way home o keep him warm as it began to snow lighly she started a fire near her bed and went over to the boy covering him with a blanket then moved her stiching to her rug infront of her fire place, soon the lion joined her nea th fire "If you find my Lion, Please save her along with my friends lions." She looked at the large red beauty beside her "Me and the other two feel their pain... and they are used to move things around like horses. The same whipping treatment." she looked back down finishing the last button string stitch on the cloak  where she then slipped the buttons into the strings and tried the cloak on herself making sure they stay "Think he'll enjoy it?" she looked at the lion as he let out a purr "I was hoping so." she undid the new button latch that closed the cloak instead of a tie and laid it down next to red walking quickly so she didn't trip on the dress she is forced to wear and grabbed his arm padding and grabbed some materials she went over next to the boy and made a base for some gloves he could use then went back to the lion as she began her work seeing as he sword fights she added some black leather on the palms and fingertips so he could wear them in a fight at the end she laid down and started to fall asleep

-Time skip-

Lila woke up first and quietly panicked before "Hey, Lion, can you hide in the closet? the guards will be here soon o trade off my old water for new water along with my breakfast" Lila rambled quickly before the lion nodded she ran over to her bed making the side her guest wasn't on look like she'd slept there the lion watched curiously as she fixed her purple and black royal dress then her hair pulling her jug over to the door and hiding all the things she'd made and repaired hid by the boy on the side of the bed as she heard the guards walking up the stairs she sat in her station and began 'writing' in her journal as the door was pulled open "Lady Bloom, Your food and water" Sendak. Of course, she stood and made her way over and took the food from the second guard and walked over setting   it on her bedside table closet to the door before grabbing her old jug of water handing it to them and took the new one she set it next to the fireplace as they were leaving she spoke "and for the last time, It Lila." she hissed back the door shut and a heavy lock could be heard she sighed and she heard them disappear down the stairs "You can come out now bud, we need to wake you human and get him out of here as soon as we can" she looked back to see the lion exit her overly large closet and meet the girls gaze "I wish you could talk... that would make this easier." the lion only huffed in response as she walked over to the boy sitting on the edge of the bed she peeled off the now very little damp cloth and stood to go to her window she laid it in the sill for the sun to continue the process she heard a grunt from behind and looked over the boy ws sitting up looking around he room when hey locked eyes for a moment he looked away "Where am I, and who are you." She looked down "I don't know where here is. and Im Lila, Lila Bloom." she walked over and crouched down looking t the cloth covering his side blood was slowly creeping through the white fabric "Im going to need to replace this okay, then I have to get you out of here" he sighed "Why haven't you left yet if you can help me?" she felt a pang in her heart as she stood to go to where the new material was and coming back "They threatened my lioness, shes much like your red beauty over there" she gave a sad sigh sitting next to him again on the bed she untied the cloth and unwrapped it "She tried to protect me from them, but now shes used like an Ox." a tear managed to slip as Lila quickly wiped it away. "I see if we save her. I'll come back for you. You're a kind soul you didn't know who I was. but you helped regardless and my lion let you remove my clothes. Be proud of that, my name is Keith if you were curious." she smiled lightly as she finished up the wrap and re-tied it "Thank you, Keith. Let's hope im not into that Marriage when the time comes" she smiled she stepped off her bed laying down the cloth she picked up the fixed clothing "and I, uh, Fixed shirt and cloak, the added some new things you'll need to stay warm" she avoided eye contact he stood up he was taller than her by almost an entire head "Thank you." she handed him the shirt first "Here put this on," she laid the cloak, the little Black leather armor, and gloves then ran over to her water supply and dampened another cloth to wash his face then grabbed a comb and ribbon "is it alright if I fix your hair aswell? I miss doing my little sisters so maybe I could do yours?" she heard a sigh "I guess" she turned around with a large smile and walked over "Sit on the floor please" he did as told and she took her spot on the bed she braided bangs back and down to the base of his head gathering the rest in  low ponytail, she used ribbon as a decorative tie above the leather strip that actually held his hair "Now lets get you ready." she pulled up the gloves and arm padding as he put on the gloves she un-tied the lacing on the underside of the padding she helped him adjust them and tie them, the helped him adjust his cloak before pulling his sword and Sheath from under the bed and handed it to him "Take the window over there and get onto the roof jump down from the first floor roof and your home free no one should be patrolling this side right now."  Keith hilted his sword to his belt and bowed "Thank you Princess" she giggled "Im no princess, just a common Village folk." she smiled this surprised Keith but nodded in return they gout red out the window first then Keith lowered himself onto reds back still standing "Stay safe alright" Lila flashed him a smile "I will, Princess" she sighed one last time "For the last time I-" "You are in my eyes, so thank you." a blush lightly took hold of her face as he slid down onto red in a riding position and made their way down and escaping with no problems

"I'll be waiting" her words drifted into the cold winter breeze

The Princess and her Underground Prince (KeithxOC)Where stories live. Discover now