Going deeper

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Cas smiled slightly. Dean was so stressed and tense lately that seeing him so peaceful made him feel warm.

"Dean?" The angel asked softly and brushed his finger over Dean's stubbled cheek, causing the hunter to humm in response.

"You're doing so good, Dean. Just allow yourself to relax. Just let go completely. Relax more with every word."

Dean wasn't really sure what was going on, he also didn't really know anymore who the person was- the only thing he knew was that the voice was so...relaxing. he couldn't help but sink in the chair even more.

He could make out the words but as soon as he processed them they lost their meaning. The only thing important to him was how relaxing each word was, despite its meaning.

Dean slumped over in his chair and Cas stroked his back comfortingly as he let out a slow and long huff, letting go all of the tension.

"That's good, Dean. That's very good."

Sam had come in the kitchen at some point, staring dumbfounded at the scene. He had read about hypnosis, maybe saw some videos but it was a bit freaky seeing it in person as his brother sat , slumped over like a rag doll.

Cas turned around and looked at Sam who jumped slightly, but brushed it off with a nervous laugh.

Cas only snorted and turned back to Dean. "Alright, Dean. I want you to listen to my words very carefully."

Dean nodded slowly, his breathing slow and even with every deep breath.

"Good. Now what I want you to do, is count from one to five slowly. With each number you will feel yourself become more awake and aware."

Dean did as instructed, soon enough starting to count and mumble the numbers. When he reached five, his eyes slowly blinked open, but were still slightly lidded lazily.

"Sit up for me, please." Cas asked and again, Dean did so, sutting up in his chair properly.

He saw two fgures. One in front of him and the other behind him. He couldn't really recognise them, but he knew he knows them. Everything seemed to be moving so slow...

"How are you feeling, Dean?" There was that voice again that just made his muscles relax even more. His mind processed the words and he answered slowly.

"Relaxed..." Came his slightly monotone voice, the words muffled slightly as he couldn't open his mouth properly, his face just as relaxed as everything else.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" The voice asked again and he nodded slowly again. It felt more than good...it felt so amazing...

Cas smiled slightly. "That's good. Now I'm gonna ask you to stand up." He stood up himself, letting Dean take his time as he stood, swaying slightly in his place.

"Now I want you to just close your eyes-" Right when he said that, Dean's eyes closed. "-and imagine something for me. I want you to imagine a staircase. Can you see it?"

Dean nodded and Cas hummed. "Good. This is the staircase to your subconcious. Now every step is going deeper into it, deeper into yourself. Now there are ten steps, correct?"

Right when Cas mentioned the number the amount of stairs became clearer and he nodded in approval.

"Good. Now I want you to start walking down the stairs, nice and slow. When you reach the last step just allow yourself go completely. Allow your mind to go blank and your legs to give out, letting your body go completely limp. Count nice and loud for me."

Dean's words were a bit clearer now as he counted slowly. He started to sway a bit more with every number, his voice getting more slurred toward the end. As he mumbled "ten" he went limp like an actual rag doll, falling forward into Cas's arms.

"There you go, that's it. Just continue to go deeper and deeper. Deeper with every moment, with every word just more and more letting go.

Dean's mind was completely blank and emlty. The only thing in it were the words that echoed through it as Cas talked. This felt so good.

Sam was completely frozen now. Yup, this was freaky as fuck.


Hope you liked this. As always, requests and ideas are welcome.

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