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"He what?!" Your friend Hana screams into the phone causing you to pull it away from your ear.

"I said he gave me his number."
"No,no the other part with the cucumber."
Your friend Yoori chimes in

You roll your eyes,completely regretting even mentioning the part with the cucumber it was embarrassing enough to have had to go through it once but continuously recalling it was making it worse.

"The attractive male that gave me his number sexualized my mother's cucumber and rubbed it on my face."
You hear your friends whispering on the other line before giggling and hanging up

"What the heck?"

You throw your phone down on the bed and close your eyes preparing to take a nice nap Seconds later your two friends slam into your room with a wide smiles on their face

"W-what are you guys doing here?" They both look at each other before Hana spoke
"Where's the number?"

You grab the crumpled note form underneath the pillow and throw it towards them they quickly grab it and stand still again
"What now?"
"Where's your phone?" You squint your eyes now suspicious of their intentions
"You'll thank us later!" They say before running downstairs
You roll your eyes and decided to finish your nap.

What's your name?
He reply back instantly

Name is Jeon Jungkook

Hana and I ran out of the house and down the street to the local cafe laughing hysterically the whole time
Once we sat down she pulled out Y/n's phone and I pulled out the number

"You ready for this?"
"I was born ready for this."

We type the number into Y/n's phone and text the number

Hey it's me then girl from the grocery store

We impatiently waited for the man to text back
"What if it's fake?"
I nod my head in disagreement
"There's no way we both know Y/n's attractive a guy wouldn't give her a fake number"

Hana signs and agrees Suddenly Y/n's phone brings from a text message we both look at each other before smiling

Hey,what are you doing right now?
Yoori gives me the look and I already know my job
Thinking about what you said yesterday
Oh I feel flattered so you considering showing me how innocent you are;))

"Uh did you read that right?"
"I need to know what this dude looks like before we set her up with him."
I nodded

Send me a picture of you right now

Im not hard rn but you won't be disappointed;)

We burst out laughing at this dude confidence and order some green tea

Um not your dick your face.

Oh well you still won't be disappointed

We both squirmed in our seats ready to see the mystery dude face who's caught an eye for our innocent little Y/n

We both squirmed in our seats ready to see the mystery dude face who's caught an eye for our innocent little Y/n

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"Holy shit Hana he's hot!"
"H-he's really hot Yoori!"

"He's perfect for Y/n!" We both yelled at the same time causing everyone in the cafe look at us as if we were insane I grabbed her hand and squeaked

"omg! his perfect for Y/n!"
She nodded in agreement

"Your tea is here." We looked at the waiter and both shit our pants the man was gorgeous his soft features and deep voice I glanced at Hana and I could see she had the same idea as me
"Thank you!" Yoori said in a high-pitched cheerful voice

"Insatiable" (BTS Jeon Jungkook Smut)Where stories live. Discover now