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before toby left the hospital the doctor had to put a think wrap around both of his arms, and then gave him more so he could switch it out.

they all decided they wanted to go to cam's house so they could watch movies on his big ass tv screen.

john was to the right of toby and cam was to the left. he felt safe for the first time in awhile. he was surrounded by people who loved him, and he couldn't believe that he almost left that.

toby couldn't help but get a little teary eyed. thinking about what happened got to him, he would never be able to get over the fact that he almost did it. he almost succeeded. he wondered what would of happened with everyone, how they would feel, stuff like that.

he abruptly stood from the couch and made his way to the bathroom. he was close to crying. only a couple tears made their way down his face though.

there was a quiet knock on the bathroom door, "toby? are you okay?" john's soft voice came through the door. toby slowly opened the door, pretending to be okay.

"you don't have to pretend silly, whats wrong?" toby shook his head, he didn't know how to explain what he was feeling. he felt so empty.

john frowned at him, "c'mere." john opened his arms, inviting toby to a hug. toby gladly accepted.

ever since the attempt toby hasn't felt okay. he feels guilty and worm down. he just wants to sleep for a couple weeks.

"toby? have you been okay?" john asked softly, toby shook his head. he just feels so empty.

"i think you should consider therapy. i mean, if you want too," john was trying not to sound so pushy. toby just got out of the hospital, proposing the idea of therapy was a risk right now. it's a miracle that they let toby stay with cam instead of sending him to a mental hospital

toby only replied with silence.

"think about it okay? i want you to get better and i think a therapist can really help you, toby." john kissed toby lightly on the head. the pair headed back into the living room. everyone looked at them suspicious, but turned back to the movie and decided not to comment on it.

toby took the offer john talked about into consideration. it could help him get better, so maybe he can be normal again and happy with his friends. maybe he'll start talking again.

toby knew it would be a good idea. but there was still that tiny voice in his head telling him not to go, that he'd be fine alone. he was scared he would listen to the voice and be in constant misery.

everyone had left by now, it was just toby and cam left in the house. cam was in the kitchen, making spaghetti for the two. toby stayed in the living room, staring blankly at the tv in front of him.

cam walked back into the room, very concentrated on not tripping on anything. cam set the plates down on the coffee table, immediately grabbing his fork and taking a bite.

"john said i should start therapy," toby said very quietly, whilst blank looking at his food.

"do you want too?" cam asked with a mouth full of spaghetti.

toby shrugged, "i feel like it would help. but i don't know..i'm scared."

"of what?"

"what if it it doesn't work? i put a lot of work into it and i'm still the same. i don't like dealing with these thoughts and stuff. im scared i'll still be the same after working hard to be better," toby whispered. he looked at cam who was already looking at him.

"tobes, it'll work. i'll give you an example that might help you decide. say you wanted to build a house, but the house was big and you knew it would take a lot of work. but you are also scared that even after all your hard work it wont be how you wanted it. of course it wont be the exact same image you had in your head toby, but it would be what you wanted. its the same with your mental health. you aren't going to be perfect, you aren't going to be happy all the time. you'll have relapse. but that's okay. cause you're better. and thats all that matters. even if its a hard goal, i know you can do it. i believe in you toby."

toby smiled at cam, "thank you, so much. for everthing."

"it's nothing toby. now eat, before your food gets cold."

A/N lets play count how many comas i used lmao.

i promise the story will start getting happier, i plan on doing more fluff between john and toby later on. i swear nothing else bad will happen...maybe. also i don't normally edit my stories, which is why there is always mistakes. so im sorry about that, i should probably edit

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