Let's Talk About Love

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[A/N: Here we go with another chapter! Let's see where it takes us this time, guys. ~Jaded]
Celine's POV

The phone call storm, didn't let up until nearly 2am, reporters, press, news outlets, all wanting to get the story. All being denied, we would do one interview, with our chosen host and be done with it.

As the last of the phone calls faded away, I glanced across the room. My heart feeling as if it would melt, as I saw Nelson and Eddy curled up against Alex and RC on the big leather sofa.

The boys had taken to Alex so easily, much better than I had first thought they would. I could only hope their relationship continued to be this smooth going forward. And speaking of forward...

"You know, I can just imagine another little one. Nestled in, right next to Eddy in between RC and Alex." René whispers, and for a moment, I can see it to. Another little boy, or maybe another little girl! All I know is, it feels like someone is missing.

"You're really still on board with this baby thing? Even after, finding out we're about to be grandparents... Even though we're "old?" I didn't feel old, and to me age was just a number, not a definer of how you lived your life.

I knew though, that not everyone felt that way. And sure, plenty of "older" celebrities were having babies these days. But it felt as if I had always been held to a higher standard, like I had to be perfect for them. And maybe this wasn't what they wanted.

"Of course I am, Céline. I've always wanted children with you, and I still do. As many as you want, as long as your body will allow." That was definitely news to me, René had never been too keen on the whole fourteen children thing.

We may have joked about it from time to time, of course I think it was somewhat expected of me. But, we'd had a late start to the children game, and fourteen was out of the question. Five, maybe six... That could be arranged.

"A new baby... Let's do it." I whispered excitedly, leaning into his side in a gentle hug. He kissed my temple, and hugged me right back. Here we were, fifty and seventy-five, with a twenty-one year old, a seventeen year old, and two eight year olds... But we were ready to do it again.

As if on cue, Alex's eyes sprang open. A desperate look on her face, that I recognized. I rushed forward, and moved the twins so that she could get up, and not a moment later she was rushing out of the room.

"Morning sickness... Gotta love it." I mumbled, as I went after her. She looked so miserable, curled up next to the toilet in the downstairs bathroom. I knelt beside her, and offered her a glass of water, while rubbing her back.

"So this part, isn't fun... But, if you're lucky it'll be over by the second trimester." She nodded softly, as she sipped carefully at her water. Looking at it nervously, as if it too would just come back up. "I wasn't ready for this."

She mutters, and I nod softly in understanding. No one is ever truly ready to be a parent, you can want it, and wish for it, and dream about it.

But when it's staring you in the face, you're still terrified. "That's okay, we're all here to help. I know it'll be a little hard, with you in Arizona and us here, but anything you need we'll make it happen."

The sleep was clearing from her eyes, and she looked over at me thoughtfully. "I was actually thinking about moving here, I mean before I met you and Papa. Now, I'm kind of certain it's where I want to be."

Her words, at once surprising and so delighting, I couldn't help but squeeze her gently in a hug. She wanted to stay! "We can help you look at places if you want, maybe even help break the news to your family..."

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