Chapter 20

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AN: I don't think ya'll are ready for this chapter!! Hope you enjoy :)


Nathan’s P.O.V

I pull up at our hotel for the next 5 days, and it’s much better than I thought it was. I did a good job in choosing this one. It’s close to the beach, and I know Gwen will like it. After she practically kills me for bringing her against her will. I know for a fact that I’m dead in the morning. I carry her to our cabana once I get our key. I lay her down and she stirs in the bed then she calms down. I do hope she doesn’t overreact when she wakes up. I take her boots off, and I want to take her jeans off too but, I’m not going to do that. I lay down next to her and bring her closer to me. On her own she puts her head on my chest and one arm across my waist. I place one of my arms over back.

“Nathan” she breathes, and my stomach feels weird. Is this feeling normal? She holds on to me tighter. I smile at her, this girl as me under something.

I’ve never been this attracted to a girl in my life. I’ve done things for her that, I don’t do for anyone. Yet again, when I have I ever done anything for anyone. Whenever I see her I get this feeling that I’ve never gotten before. She excites every piece of me. I don’t see myself with anyone else but her, and this is scaring me because I’ve always thought I was going to be alone. But she makes me hold on to the that little piece of hope. When the words ‘I want to be near you, I want to help you’ left her mouth yesterday that gave me a lot of hope. Hope that maybe I won’t end up alone. Once again I fall asleep to the rhythm of her breathing.


Gwen’s P.O.V

The sunlight wakes me up, and I’m so thirsty and hot. I get up slowly and hold my head. Fuck! I knew I shouldn’t have drank last night. What did Anthony give me? I’m going to get that fucker back. I sit down on the edge of the bed. I look around and take in my surrounding, and I know that I’m not back in Vegas. I quickly get up but, regret that quickly. My head starts to pound even more, and I sit back down. I see the a set of doors, I get up slowly and walk over to them. Opening the doors I see a breathtaking view.  I see the sun shining bright and waves crashing into the shore. Am I in Malibu? I step outside, I quickly place my hand over my eyes to block a bit of the sun.

This is beautiful. But how did I get here? I look around and I see no one I recognize. I see people out swimming already. I hear a door close and I turn around to see who entered the room. I’m met with Nathan. Nathan? That fucker, he brought me here? I breath in deeply and exhale. I need to calm down. I can talk to him without freaking out. I can do this. He keeps his gaze on me, but I turn back to the stunning view.

“Why?” I simply ask. I hear him let out a breath, almost as if he were relieved. He still doesn’t say anything and, my patience is thinning by the second. “Why?” I ask again.

“Um I can explain.” he pauses as if I were to say something. “I thought I would surprise you, by bringing you to Malibu.” he finishes. I take in what he has just told me; I understand it but, how did he manage to get me here is the bigger question. Was I drugged?

“How did you get me here?” I ask still showing no emotion. I hear him move near me, and I never wanted him to be more away from me than now. “Don’t get near me” I add.

“I got Anthony and Brie to help me out. I planned everything out. I wanted to bring you here. I want us to get over our little mishap.” he sighs. Brie and Anthony are so dead when I get back to Vegas. I need to head back home I have a flight to get to on Monday, that I can’t miss. I actually want to spend time with my parents. I want to get out of this damn country already. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I can’t believe he went through all this, and he thought I would be ok with it. I’m far from ok with it. I’m so done with his shit. He does things and expects me not to freak out. I will give him the pleasure of not freaking out, but I will be so distant he would prefer me to freak out.

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