3. Confusion

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*3 days later*

I don't know what exactly is happening but Marinette has been missing at school for 3 days now. Sabrina has been missing too. Both Alya and Chloe look so worried and sad, looking at them just hurts. And even Ladybug has been looking so tired and helpless. I am afraid. Adrien thought as he was walking home from school.

He sighed, looking up to the sky.
What was going on in this world? Was that Hawkmoth's doing? Were they both akumatized?

As far as Adrien knew, Hawkmoth couldn't akumatize two people at the same time, only one person. And who was more vulnerable to abuse and strong emotions? Chloe's friend Sabrina Reincomprix.

As far as he knew she had been akumatized twice, once when Chloe had been abusing her and the other time when Hawkmoth akumatized all his previous villains, in the Day of Heroes.

He also couldn't believe that Marinette would ever be akumatized. She was so kind and forgiving and he had never seen her sad or emotional. She was really a happy girl.

A happy girl with a kind and loving family, with a wonderful life...She was pretty and so pure hearted...she had a wonderful life....

Am I jealous? No...why should I be? Marinette has the power to change this world for good! She deserves to have such an amazing life! he thought. And why would I be jealous. She doesn't have such a perfect life as I had thought before after all, she must have been missing school for a serious reason.

Plagg flew out of Adrien's bag and asked, "What's wrong with you today? You seem so down and helpless! Let me cheer you up with a dance--"

"No, it's fine Plagg! It's just because of Marinette...I am worried about her...why hasn't she been at school for the past few days?"

"Oh calm down, silly! She's probably just ill!" Plagg was trying to comfort him.

"No! If she was really just ill, she would have replied to my text messages, asking why she hadn't been at school!" Adrien replied.

"Oh, come on! It can't be anything serious! You just don't want to admit that you secretly LOVE her!!!" Plagg teased.

"Ah Plagg! How often do I have to tell you that she's just a friend....and I love Ladybug!" Adrien replied hesitantly.

"Woah! If you really love Ladybug, then why did you go out on so many dates with Kagami? And why do you worry about Marinette as if she was your child?"

"Plagg, I am already so confused! Please don't ask me these questions! It will just confuse me even more!"

"Fine whatever you say, I'll just go back to sleep!" Plagg replied, flying back into Adrien's bag.

Adrien sighed, ringing the doorbell of his house. Soon the gigantic door was opened and he stepped in. As he finally entered his house, he called, "Father! I am home!"

He disappointedly went up to his room and threw his bag onto his chair. Then he dropped himself on his bed releasing a loud sigh.

What was going on with this world? With his class? With him? Why was he so sad? He had never cared about anyone when they had been missing as much as he cared about Marinette.

Adrien flinched and felt his heart stop beating for a second as his ringing phone interrupted the silence. He jumped up, unzipping his bag, pulling his phone out. It said:


Adrien accepted the phone call, holding it to his ear.

"H-hello Adrien...t-this i-is..Alya..."

She Just Left... -Miraculous Fanfic [IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now