Chapter 2

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*3 months later*

Sam's P.O.V

So today I am having my ultra sound. I'm 8 months pregnant and it has been really hard to get around lately. My baby's shower was last weekend so I got a bunch of stuff for Madison. Yup that's the name we chose. Madison Reñee Lancaster. Right after she is born we are moving to L.A. Because that's where I have always wanted to live and Jason would be closer to work there. His uncle bought us a house up there so we are set. Jason isn't coming to the ultra sound again because he has to clarify with his work that we are moving soon. I am cut out of my thought by a sharp pain in my stomach. I'm honesty laying on the hospital floor in pain and no one is in the waiting room with me. I'm trying to scream for help but my voice isn't loud enough. Finally a nurse comes to call me back but sees me on the floor. She helps me up and takes me into a room and calls the doctor. Before I know it he puts a oxygen mask on me and I'm slowly losing conciseness. Where are they taking me? What's wrong with me? Where is Jason?! Those questions are fluttering my mind as they roll me into a bigger room and I fall into a deep sleep.

A/N: sorry it's short!!So I picked the name Madison. According to your guys comments and vote. I love you guys and I hope you enjoyed it! 💕

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