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September 18

"Ugh..." you groan as you walk down the street... Mondays suck.

It had past 1 week since you started school. Your brother who was on a break started working again, which means, no breakfast in the morning and that you'll have to make food by your own, or starve until your brother comes home...

You groan in the memory of the usual eggs with bacon... Ugh...

About your relationship with the people in the school, well, it surprisingly is getting better.

You talk sometimes with Undyne, but not much, just a 'hi' or a 'good morning'. Well, you don't find Undyne being a bad person, but you don't feel like you should trust her either.

About Pj? If you had to be honest, the day that you went to his house wasn't that bad... You sure did enjoy splashing water on him or throwing pizza on his face, but of curse, Pj didn't. His attitude hasn't changed towards you, he has done some new bruises here and there, but no serious injuries. You are a strong cookie; a hit won't break you that easily.

You didn't have a problem with it since you've been pretty much used to stuff like this. The thing that annoyed you, was that those bruises were made by Pj.

You are not someone's maid and not willing to be one. You won't let shitty head boss you around.

You did remind yourself all of those things. But yet, what can you do about it? You can't go against Pj, as much as it hurts to admit it, your muscles aren't ready to go against something like that.

You sigh, what can you do? You can't leave things like that! But... You can't do anything to change them either...

You saw the bus stop and saw Fresh and a small short yellow dinosaur, talking to him.

"hey Fresh!" You said trying to sound motive but failed. "oh! (Y/N)!" said Fresh with a smile witch soon frowned. "(Y-Y/N)! What happened?! You look exhausted!" he said pointing out the fact that you had black circles under your eyes. They weren't big since you are used to sleeping late, but they were still noticeable.

"Oh, it's nothing don't worry. I just stayed up all night doing homework..." it wasn't completely a lie... You did stay up reading all night, but you weren't doing homework. You were up all night reading random school books that you are supposed to learn after two years. But, your brother resisted that you should read it encases it comes up in handy in the future.

He was really mad at you for hanging around with boys and getting dentition. And you felt bad for disappointing him so you decided to do him a favor and read unnecessary knowledge.

You always felt like that around your brother... Like you were a burden to him. He always had to work so hard just to gain money to raise you, buy food, do the laundry and take care of you. So to stay up late to read was the least you could do to make it up to him. After all, he asks you to do it for your own good.

"But it's only the second week, we don't even have that much homework yet." said Fresh snapping you out of your thoughts.

The bus came to a stop making you sigh in relief of avoiding this conversation.

Fresh and the little girl stepped onto the bus. Fresh gave you a question look before saying "aren't you coming?"

You look behind him to see a huge crowd of people being squeezed together... You gave out a nervous sigh an awkward smile and a nod as a no "Nah, I'll go with the classic method." you said and waved a goodbye to Fresh before the doors close.

The bus started and Fresh couldn't help but look at you with awe as you took of your skateboard and started skating down the street.

He wished he had the guts to take out his skateboard and go with you, but he was scared of people judging him and laughing at the unusual habit of his.

The Missing piece Of Me (Naj Pj x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now