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Part 7: Daddy

"So, everything's ready to go, right, babe?" Abel verified over his shoulder as he leaned down to collar Caesar and Julius.

Selena opened her mouth to respond, but then she felt it. "Abel!" She choked the word out as her hands flew to her stomach.

"What? Is it the baby? Are you okay, do you need a doctor?" Abel had spun around and was now hovering anxiously over Selena, trying to keep his cool and remember the name of the closest hospital.

She laughed in response as tears formed in her eyes. She reached out and grabbed his hand, sliding it under her blouse so that his palm rested flat on her lower abdomen.


"Shh. Just wait," she whispered more calmly, looking into his worried eyes with a soft smile.

Suddenly, he felt it, a faint little kick from inside Selena. His eyes widened and he met her teary eyes with a wide grin as he felt their child kick for the first time. He reached out and pulled Selena into a kiss before trailing down to her neck.

"I love you so much, babe. That's incredible, you're incredible," he breathed into her skin as he gently rubbed her belly.

"I love you, too," she responded, shivering when she felt another little kick from their baby girl. She looked down when she felt Caesar and Julius nudge up against her side. "How do you think the boys will do with the baby?"

Abel placed one last kiss on the side of Selena's neck before standing back and looking at the dogs. "They should be fine with her, but if we start to have any issues, we'll do some focused training with them. Don't worry, everything will be fine, babe. Now, we've got to head over to the airport - I don't want to show up late on the day I tell your dad that I knocked up his little girl."

Selena laughed as she walked over to where their suitcases were waiting. "That's probably a good idea," she agreed.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Abel asked when she bent down to pick up one of the suitcases.

"I just realized I packed my necklace by mistake," she explained, raising her eyebrow when Abel covered the handle before she could lift the bag.

"Let me, please." Abel easily set the bag onto the coffee table with a smile.

"Abel." Selena smirked when he grinned sheepishly at her. "Baby, this bag doesn't even weigh ten pounds. I'm fine," she chuckled, as she searched for her Tiffany necklace.

"I know, I know." Abel sighed and leaned into her from behind, gently grasping her hips and pulling her to him. "I just worry about you. I don't want anything to happen to you, or to the baby, and it's been making me feel a little crazy the last couple days," he admitted.

Selena hummed quietly in response before pulling out of his arms and placing a hand on the back his neck. "Abel, I promise you, the baby and I are both going to be fine. You don't have to worry so much, even though I love you for it." She pulled him in for a gentle kiss. "Now, come on, we have a flight to catch."

By the time they touched down in Dallas, Abel was feeling a little better, although he still insisted on leading both the dogs himself, "just in case they try to take off and cause you to fall." But the closer they got to Selena's father's house, where the family had decided to gather for the evening, he started to fidget a little.

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