Hope Undying: The Legend of Katara

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I've had this idea in my head of an alternate reality A:TLA where Katara was the Avatar. I wouldn't be satisfied until I put it out there into the world, so I just started writing. Since my schedule is about to get a whole lot busier, I have no idea when/if I will be able to continue this. If I can't, this intro will remain a one-shot drabble for the time being. Feedback is greatly appreciated, and would definitely encourage me to continue!

Though this story will reflect canon in many ways, certain plot points will be modified . If you spot anything that defies canon, rest well assured that I made those changes intentionally.

Hope you enjoy!

Kya had been busy washing a basin full of linens when the black snow began to fall. She didn't realize anything was wrong until the usual background noise from the village changed to something decidedly more frantic.

Turning away from her chore, Kya listened closely to the sounds going on outside the hut. There were a cacophony of male voices - voices that she didn't recognize. She'd made the decision to go out and investigate when someone opened the doorflap and let themselves in. Kya spoke before she registered who it was.

"Hakoda, what is going on out-?"

That wasn't her husband. The man who had opened walked into the hut was decked out in deep red and gold. Fire nation, no doubt. Her muscles instinctively stiffened, and she slowly stood to face the soldier who appeared to be some kind of commander.

"Are you the wife of the Chief?" He asked, his voice more aggressive than necessary for such a mundane question.

"I am, yes. May I ask why you're here? The Southern Water Tribe has no business with the Fire Nation," She said as calmly as she could, her eyes shifting every now and then to the doorway. There was a commotion outside now, the tundra alive with the sound of shouts and hurried footsteps in the snow.

"No business, you say? We have reason to believe there is a Waterbender in your midst." The soldier said, his gold eyes almost looking through her, as though she wasn't worthy of his gaze.

"You're wrong. There are no Waterbenders in the Southern Water Tribe. The Fire Nation made sure of that fifty years ago, as I'm sure you know," Kya stood tall as she spoke, using an air of confidence to hide her uneasiness. She glanced to the doorway once more, silently praying that her husband wasn't too far away. An unfamiliar voice was shouting outside now, another Fire Nation soldier no doubt.

The commander scoffed at her words, taking a step closer. Kya moved back slightly at this, but she held her ground as the taller man loomed over her. Spirits, please protect this tribe.

"We are here to tie up loose ends. Tell me where the Waterbender is and we will leave your little village intact," He said, the helmet over his head casting a shadow that made him look all more sinister.

Kya began to wring her hands as she hesistated to answer. I won't let them take her.

She was about to speak up when the tent flap moved slightly, a small girl appearing in the doorway. Kya frowned briefly, before correcting her expression. She relaxed her face considerably and looked past the commander at Katara.

"Go find your daddy, okay?"

"Mom, I'm scared."

"It's okay sweetie, everything is fine. I'll handle this."

Kya stared into her daughters eyes, wishing nothing more than to hold the girl tightly in her arms. She resisted the urge, knowing that the safest place for Katara to be was far away from this Fire Nation soldier. Forcing a small reassuring smile, Kya waited for Katara to turn and run out of the hut, leaving the two adults alone again. Once Katara was out of sight, Kya looked back at the soldier who had turned to face the doorway when Katara appeared. His mouth had turned downwards in a frown.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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