Here we come Florida !

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I was in the car waiting for Jacob . He is taking for ever !!! I get out the car and go see what is taking so long . I open the door to see him crying I think . I tear slipped and go over to him and stand by him . " Taylor ? " Jake said sad . " Yeah ? " I said . He sniffled a little . " do you remember when it was our 3rd birthday ? " he said . " I do , it was the last day that we where actually happy . " I said . A tear slipped out . " Jake ? Why does mom and dad hate us now ? " he didn't answer for a little . " umm I think we should get going . " he said leaving . What the hell just happen . Some thing is going on that he is not telling me . so run out the door and get in the car so we are not late for our flight . We finally are at the airport . Me and Jake get our luggage and go to the security thing .

We sit down and wait . " flight 246 is now boarding " the lady announce . Jake and I go on to the air plane . We sit down , I grab my IPhone 5s uh my pocket put in my head phones and fall asleep .

I got woken up by Jake shaken the hell out of me . " Taylor !! Wake up !! Where here !! " he said . " okay okay I'm up damn . " I say . We get off the plane and OO did I tell you that my Aunt Vennesa is letting me and Jake stay with her ! She is the best . So we get our luggage and get a taxi . We finally get to aunt Vennesa house . We pay the taxi driver and say thank you . We are finally out of that hell hole " I say to Jake as a lightly push him . He chuckles a little and say yep !

We go up to the door step and knock ! A very handsome boy open the door . He had brown short hair . Spiked up in the front . A gorgeous smile and and tall . I didn't know him at all . He said " hi are you Taylor Jacob and Jake Jacob ? " yes me and Jake say . " Hi I'm Mattew Espinosa ! " he said with his gorgeous smile . We walk in and see Aunt Vennesa . She smiles real big . She runs to us and gives us a big hug . I look around and see a lot of people . I thought to my self my life is going to much better .

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