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"I've always knew about it. Everytime I wasn't at home, I was at the hospital, at my doctor appointments. I haven't said anything to you because I was afraid it would of hurt you too much. I thought if I would of gotten distant to you, my death wouldn't hurt as much."

"Your death?"

"I'm sorry I haven't told you anything but I only have a  few days left to live."

"Yoongi, it hurt me more that you chose to distant yourself. You should of just told me."

"I love you. And I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise. It also hurt me alot to not to tell you."

I was crying so much at this point.

"You should of told me. We could've of made your last few months very special. So much could of happened."

"I should of. But I didn't. But the least you can do is make my last few days special."

"Okay I promise I will. I love you so much Yoongi"

"I love you too"

We shared one of our last kisses.

His Hidden Love | Min Yoongi ffWhere stories live. Discover now