chapter 1 // lost

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For a long time, Yuzuru Hanyu hasn't felt truly himself.

There's something he's been missing, a desire that even after two Olympic medals can't be pushed down or denied any longer. Perhaps the medals, the focus on competition rather than something truly worthwhile, had made it worse, forced him to see all he'd been missing.

He knows. He knows what it is.

He knows when he sees Javi and his girlfriend on social media, their smiles. Happy. Without a care in the world.

He knows when he walks through the streets, sees couples holding hands. Comforted in just the presence of eachother.

He knows when it aches, when it leaves him feeling cold and alone on chilly nights. When even in the presence of a million fans and friends who love him more than anything he feels empty. 

Brian talks to him, about his plans after rehabilitation. Two. Two Olympic medals. Now four seasons, four excruciating seasons until his final chance to do the impossible. Three.

Yet even this- the promise of being put down in the history books, a legend for centuries- can't help. He still lies in bed and cries and still feels an ache and still feels so lonely.

One day, Yuzuru's skating, gazing up at his name, carved into the plates on the wall. Glimmering in gold. Set in stone.

It hits him like one, sending a rush of too many emotions through him.

He's not lonely.

He's lost.

And this is the start of Yuzuru Hanyu's journey for something called love.

AN: ahhh hey guys!! i hope you enjoyed this fic :3 i worked super hard on it!

but i need you guys help!!!!!

i love my bts babes soo much and i can't choose which one yuzu should end up with (i was gona say all but that's complicateeed 3:)

so i wanna ask u guys who to ship yuzubean with!!!!! i hope you guys comment below your opinions!!

-bee!! x3

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