chapter 2 // meeting

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Jungkook wakes up to the birds singing, their gentle song still a screech in the relative peace of morning. Groaning, he pulls a pillow over his head in an attempt to block out the noise, but before he can even try the pillow is snatched from him and an annoyed voice rings out.

"Dude." says Jimin- his roommate- hands on his hips and a slight glare. "It's almost noon. We were meant to be ready for practice by eleven."

Oh, right. The two, after realising they had nothing much to do these days, had signed up for skating lessons. So, they'd looked at some reputable places and eventually signed up for one. The Toronto Cricket, Skating and Curling Club. Apparently home to legends or whatever, though Jungkook doesn't really believe that part.

But either way, their practice starts at 1pm and they'd been planning on getting there early, make a good impression and all. But now..

"Right. Yeah." Jungkook sighs, getting up and glancing around for an outfit to wear. He'd said, last night, that he would prepare some warmer clothes in advance but he'd fallen asleep before he could and then slept in anyway.

Annoyed, he picks up a shirt that's probably not even his size and a sweater, then chooses a pair of jeans that he hasn't washed in three days. He doesn't stop to eat breakfast- it's noon now, and the journey to the Cricket Club will take at least 45 minutes.

In the car, Jimin drives while Jungkook looks up the club and scrolls through the results with little focus. The only name he recognises is Yuna Kim..

He's just gotten onto something about a man called Brian Orser when the car stops, and Jimin all but shoves him out. 

"Come on, slow ass!" he yells, pushing Jungkook toward the entrance. "We're going to be-"

Before they can realise, a figure, long-legged and calm, strides toward the entrance-

And bumps right into Jimin.

AN: yuzubear is here!!!!! x3 i hope u guys like it, i was rly sad my other chapter didnt get many coments tho!! :(

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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