Lefty x Molten Freddy

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I'm back b*tches!

Molten's POV

I couldn't understand what was happening in front of me, yet all of my senses automatically turned to top notch as I watched the people in front of me in fear. I could hear their guns clicking but not understand a word they said. I could see the pure green and black camo of what they wore yet everything seemed a blur. I could move yet I stood frozen with my hands steady in the air. I could smell the bullet's of their guns yet I couldn't smell my own fear.

"Come with us... No one gets hurt..." The general talked to me with a violent yet subtle tone, as he looked straight into my optics with a fear burning inside his own. I wasn't quite sure that was the whole truth.

"No one?" I questioned as I looked back to my two friends, Scraptrap and Baby. Both were tied up and muffled yet I looked for an answer in their eyes. Although, I couldn't find anything as I looked back to Lefty whom was standing behind me. He seemed to have an urgency to get away from the danger in front of us as I felt him gripping my sides. I looked back to the general and studied his facial contortions. I could tell he had lied based on the way his eyes were locked on me. Suddenly, I jolted my demonic wings out from their sprouts as I grabbed Lefty and headed skywards. The more gunshots I heard being fired the faster I went against the wind.

I felt blood trickle from my arm as Lefty gripped on to me for dear life. I abruptly felt a sort of pain flying through my dark, black leather, wings as I began to lose energy faster than before. I began to fly down to a landing area as I tumbled through the wind. I lost control and began plummeting to the ground as I held myself against Lefty. I felt the cold hard ground take me as I dropped Lefty and rolled to my side. My wings began to curl around my body as I had laid there in exhaustion, the grass tickling my uncovered fur. I began to push off the ground as I looked over to Lefty noticing he hadn't gotten up yet. I flapped my wings as too drift towards him landing beside my dark black colored friend. "Lefty, you all right?" I asked as he slowly turned over towards me. I could see blood creeping down from his nose as his mouth was left agape.

"Dumbass." He said to me weakly as he gripped my thigh in order to shift himself to were he was sitting up with his back slanting forwards. I had chuckled at my own stupidity under my breath, he was human how was I supposed to know air pressure could agonize his bodily functions.

"Sorry, but am I really the dumbass? Considering, you're the one who decided to work there in the first place." I retorted in a rude demeanor to him. He looked quite shocked in what I had said to him as his usual happy smile turned to a bleak frown. His upwards ears had fallen as he looked away from me.

"At least I didn't put the other's into this mess." I heard him whisper to himself. I felt a shock of anger flow throughout me as I suddenly tackled him to the grassy field around us. I pulled his hands above his head as I growled ragefully. I held my mouth next to his ear and left my heavy breaths of irritation fill the storm of fury around me.

"What was that?" I asked in annoyance of my friend. I could hear him gulp down his screams as he and I both knew we were still near the small army of about 20 men armed with guns ready to shoot anyone who dares to move around them. Yet, he seemed to have a small soothing hitch to his breaths as he wailed for me to get off of him. His chest had a delay of moving up and down as I kept my self over him.

"N-Nothing, Molten." I could hear him gasping out as my grip around his black pelted wrists became much more firmer than before. I moved my free hand to his chest and pushed down on him making his breaths hitch every time he began to tell me to stop.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... You know better than to lie to me, Lefty..." I scolded in a frigid tone. I could feel his heart pounding under my body. My two wings were kept around the two of us concealing us from the rest of the world as his eyes had welded up into small tears. The piercing sounds of angered breaths came from me. When a tear began to fall I licked it away from his uneasy cheeks.

"I-I... I said... that..." I could hear him groan something under his breath as he began to continue on with his stuttering words, "that at least... I... I didn't put the others... into... into this-this mess..." I could feel his body tense whilst he said the last part as he waited for me to yell something to him. Although, all I could do was share his feeling of pain, and torment.

I slowly let go of his hands and took my body away from his warmth. I stood as if I was a dog over him. He began to look at me with a confused glance as I looked away from him.

My leather wings beginning to tear away from him as I felt him grip them and pull me down once more. He turned us over to were he was on top of me. This time he kept his hands above my head as he let himself stay only inches away from my nose. I could feel the open warmth of his chest flow through my body as I left my wings to the cold ground.

"You may not be fully human anymore but you're still able to be forgiven." he passionately whispered as he let his wanting lips rest on my own warm pair. I began to melt into the kiss as I put two hands around his red and gray jacket. I felt like I was in heaven while his lips moved against mine. I could tell he wanted more but we had soon disconnected. He rested his forehead against mine as I felt his breath mix with mine.

"I'm sorry, for all of this." I slurred out as I looked into his beautiful mixed up eyes. He looked like an angel with his yellow and black eyes. I sighed before I spoke through the silence of the air, "I love you..."

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