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Sanji didn't get any sleep that night, he stayed up in his living room with all his lights on. He had prepared a shit-ton of coffee and sat down on the couch placing the golden bell out onto the coffee table in front of him. He had stared at it all night, sketching the symbols on the bell onto a sheet of paper. He'd have to visit a church, or look up a person who was a professional in the field of the supernatural.

When four o'clock eventually rolled around, Sanji managed to drag himself off the couch to get ready for the day. He showered and wiggled into a suit, fixing his hair to look less anxious then he felt. He made sure the stupid bell was still on the coffee table when he pulled on his shoes, snatching his keys and jacket before hurrying out of his apartment. He didn't want the bell's protection, not if it ment he would have to give his soul in return.

Just like last time, he only got to the stairs before a feeling worse than panic hit him like a tsunami. It was an emotion closer to hysterics, making his stomach churn and his hands shake. Sanji grit his teeth, a spark of anger giving way to a burning wave that smothered the fear long enough for him to sprint down the stairs and out the door. The fresh air did miracles on his muddled brain, his frantic thoughts slowing with each breath he took.

After a moment or so, he stuffed the strange anxiety into the back of his mind and went on his way. He stomped along, refusing to let the stupid curse rule his life. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice the gloved hand that shot out of the alley he was walking past, the finger digging into the collar of his shirt to forcefully yank him into the secluded area.

His back hit the brick wall and a knife was pressed against his throat, Sanji blinked down at the nameless thug in shock and thinly veiled annoyance. The guy holding him hostage was twitching and it was painfully obvious he was high on something. Leave it to the universe to shit on him the one fucking day he doesn't have his bell.


Sanji would've kicked him all the way to next Tuesday, but he was more concerned about the guys spasming muscles. If Sanji shifted even in inch, the idiot would surely slash his pale skin open. It was a terrifying thought, that there was a serious chance that he could be killed. Right here, in this damp and gray alley away from prying eyes by a druggie.

"G-Gimme your valu-bles!" The man hissed, his voice nasally from being sick (or snorting something). When Sanji didn't immediately comply, the man pushed the blade down harder. That sharp sting against his neck made his leg jerk a bit, wanting to nail this bastard in the head-

A soft jingle perked the chef's ear.

The sound was awfully familiar and Sanji's jaw dropped when the golden bell shot out of literally nowhere to smash against the guys skull with a gut-wrenching crack. The bell ricorched off the guy's temple as he tipped sideways, either dead or unconscious. Sanji hoped for the latter as he instictivly cupped his hands together to catch the undamaged golden object of his despair.

Sanji stared down at it in with wide eyes, looking around for someone-anyone who could've chucked the thing. But there was no one, the few people passing by on the dim streets blissfully unaware of the more-than-ruffled chef and the downed mugger.


Sanji pushed the front door to the Sunny open fifteen minutes before his shift started, the stupid bell angrily tucked into his jacket pocket. Usopp was the first to greet him, waving Sanji forward. He was led to the back and introduced to a buff guy with blue hair named Franky, the guy wore blue short shorts and a red T-shirt that was made out of that see-through fabric. Sanji raised a brow at his getup but didn't judge, he'd seen plenty weirder folks.

He met Brook next, a very frail looking fifty-year-old man with a puffy afro. He had on a more classy outfit, a dark jacket with a plum button-up and slacks. Sanji's head tipped to the side at the sight of the purple cane hanging from Brook's arm, there was something about it that gave the chef weird vibes. Aside from the strange accessory, Brook was a kind man. He did like making weird dead jokes though, throwing the blond for a loop.

Chopper was a young boy who barely came up to Sanji's ribcage, he had creamy brown skin and curly chocolate brown hair. He liked to wear pink, favoring an adorable baby pink and sky blue hat. It reminded Sanji of a cloud of cotton candy, the boy's clothes loose-fitting and comfortable. A simple pair of hot pink khakis and a rose pink tank top, he wore a pair of blown sneakers to complete the innocent look. The chef found he was already comfortable around the teen after being introduced.

He was informed that he'd be working in the kitchen with Chopper and Franky as his helpers/waiters, Brook as the host to show them to the costumers to a table. Nami was in the back office and Robin had taken the day off, Luffy and Usopp unloading supplies and ingredients in the alley behind the Sunny.

It wasn't long before the rush hit, Sanji getting order after order and still managing to keep up. Luffy wouldn't shut up about how cool the blond was, even when Sanji smashed his foot into the boy's face when he tried to sneak food off of a plate. Usopp was more timid, keeping his distance from the fiery chef and sticking close to Luffy. Sanji didn't think much of it, whether or not he got along with everyone was not his main focus (unless of course it was the lovely Nami or Robin).

He just had to do what he loved, letting his mind go blank and his hand gracefully work their magic. The pay was decent and until Zeff told him he could come back...it would do to keep his mind of more sinister subjects.

Like the bell that felt like a crushing weight stuffed within his pocket.


A bit of a shorter chapter after such a long wait and I apologize, but we're coming along. Zoro will make his grand appearance soon, thoughts and theories of how or why? Let me know what you guys think! As always, don't forget to Read & Review! Stay weird my lovelies!

Tibby out!

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