(y/n)'s arrival

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*author's note*
Appearance: you have (h/l) (h/c) hair
And (e/c) eyes, and a vertical scar across your right eye.
*3rd person*

We start our story at the train station,a train arrives and a boy named (y/n) steps off of the train. He has come from america to enroll at U.A high school. He looks around the station in search of the people he would be staying with for the duration of his stay.

(Y/n) pov
I look over the croud of people in the station until I see a sign saying (y/n).
The sign was being held by a short ,chubby woman with dark green hair.
I walk over to her "Are you, Inko midoriya?" I ask reading off the card I was given. "Yup and I'm guessing you're (y/n)?" Inko says puting the sign away, "ya that's me, nice to meet you ma'am." I say extending a hand. She smiles sweetly and shakes my hand "my aren't you a gentleman? My Izuku will love to meet you." She says wile helping with my luggage "Izuku?".

(3rd person)pov

Inko and (y/n) talk as they leave the station, she has told him about her son Izuku And how he was thrilled to have someone from america staying with them. "Well Izuku sounds like a very nice guy." (Y/n) says walking along side inko. She smiles and keeps walking as well.

(Time skip to the midoriya house hold)

"Well,here we are!" Inko says seting down a bag ,"you have a nice place" (y/n) says wile admireing the apartment."Why thank you (y/n)" Inko says happily. "Well make your self comfortable I'll get Izuku." Inko says going towards were Izuku supposedly was. (Y/n) makes himself comfortable on the couch waiting patiently.

(Izuku pov)

I'm siting in my room doing a few extra curls with my weights thinking about my training with all might. But suddenly a knock at my door interrupts my thoughts "c-coming!" I say walking to my door. I open my door to see my mom " oh hi mom"I say smiling "Hi Izuku I came to tell you that (y/n) is here and is downstairs " she says. I smile wider as my mom leaves and I follow suit.
I come down the stairs after my mom and see (y/n) siting on the couch, all I can say is he looks itimidating.

*authors note*
Well thats the end of my first chapter hopefully this wasnt too bad but just tell me what you think. 435 words I'll write more in the future but now I sleep it is 2:47 so good night and thank you

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