:Chapter 2:

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"Sit still Nai Nai" Momo yelled 

"Your pulling my hair !" I yelled back at her

She was still combing my hair , but all the liquid was out it was just the matter of finding out why that person did this . 

"Yo what the hell happened ?" Nikki said entering the bathroom with Za at her side

"All i know is EVERYONE is talking about how you embarrassed yourself" Za said as back up

"Its okay though , they got punched in the face" Nikki said backing up Za's statement

"You punched them in the face?" She nods "That doesn't changes how my hair looks or how FUCKED up my reputation is !"

"It will be alright , we stuck it out through 9th grade we can do it for 10th grade too" Za said 

"At least we still have Momo's skateboard tournament this afternoon to look forward to !" I said with a half smile

"Yeah... about that !" She started "See , Rayan is coming .. BUT ONLY FOR THIS PROJECT SHIT NAI I PROMISE !"

"Momo, thats our girl time !"

"DONE ! And Nai Nai i know that " She said grabbing her bag 

"But if Rayan comes , he's gonna bring Chresanto , Jacob , and... HIM !" I said as we walked to our locker

"HEY MOTHERFUCKER POINT AND LAUGH AGAIN AND YOU WONT HAVE THAT FINGER OR THE ABILITY TO LAUGH ANYMORE !" Nikki yelled to a guy leaning on his locker who quickly shut up

"See , Craig embarrassed me , i'll never live again girls " I said walking to the entrance of the school

"Where are you going ?" Za yelled at me

"HOME !" I yelled back

I was walked out the entrance of the school and felt the chill fall air hit my skin . My hair was a mess and i was embarrassed for the entire 10th grade year great , i was going to walk down the steps of the school when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me too them .

"Naomi , let me explain !" Crag's voice said causing me to take my hand and instantly connect it to his face . HARD .

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU EMBARRASS ME LIKE THAT ! ALL THAT STUFF WE TALKED ABOUT YESTERDAY WAS IT A FUCKING JOKE TO YOU IM NAOMI MARIE WILSON AND I DON'T FUCKING DESERVE THIS SHIT !" By the end i was crying , Why ? I just got fucking embarrassed im 15 years old and i told him stuff yesterday that i trusted him with .

"Naomi , i know im sorry ! I-"

"YOU HAVE NO FUCKING EXPLANATION ! YOU EMBARRASSED ME , YOU FUCKED UP MY HAIR , AND YOU FUCKED UP MY REPUTATION SO THE BEST THING FOR YOU TO DO IS STAY OUT OF MY LIFE MAN !" I shrugged away from him and ran all the way home to wash my hair , take a nap , and forget this whole day ever happened man .

I woke up from my nap and checked the time , 5:12 , If i really hustle i can still make Momo's tournament , that's the only thing i can get happiness from , watching my bestfriend do what she loves

I got there just in time and it didnt take long to spot my girls , i sat down next to them quickly and saw the boys and rolled my eyes .

"Nai Nai !" Nikki said loudly

"What ?" i said quieter

"Where the fuck did you go after school?"

"Nick , i told you i was going home and that's where i went"

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